Billy2859's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Billy2859's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This one is awesome too!!! All you need now is a player to shoot the puck. You got the perfect color for the net. The ice looks cool too.
- Dada on June 3, 2024
This is legit!!! I love this, Billy. That looks just like Jimmy. I love how you did an action shot over three pieces of paper too. Great work here!!!
- Dada on June 3, 2024
I love this! You should do more pictures of Lucky. This looks really good. I like how you did her nose and mouth. Keep up the good work! - Dada
- Anthony (Father) on April 10, 2024
I love this!!! You are great at drawing with Markers. I like the sharks you drew too, especially the yellow one. I think that's the one you drew best.
- Anthony (Father) on February 28, 2024
I love this!!! Do I see Paul Pierce, Tatum and Larry Bird jersey's??? Great work knowing the Celtics legends. Can you erase those Laker's jersey's though??? Hahaha - just kidding. Great work here.
- Anthony (Father) on November 29, 2023
I love this Billy - it looks like the hoop we have at home!
- Anthony (Father) on June 7, 2023
This is really good Billy!!! It looks just like Mario! - Dada
- Anthony (Father) on March 14, 2023
Great job Billy! I like how you drew a dragon breathing fire and a dragon breathing ice! I wonder who would win if they got in a fight? So proud of your artwork Billy!
- Michelle (Mother) on October 28, 2021
Wow! Great job coming up with the idea to make this, then doing it. I am so proud of you!
- Mama on June 8, 2020
Wow Billy, you are quite the artist! This drawing is amazing it looks just like the one on the screen. Love you so much! Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 6, 2020
Billy, we love all your artwork you have been posting this week. This latest one looks very interesting. How did you make it and is it a robot?
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 1, 2020
Very creative FIRE! Nice job Billy!!
- Mama on February 26, 2020
Great job putting this together Billy!!
- Mama on January 29, 2020
Hi Billy, Grandma and Grandpa love the colors and shapes of your collage. You are a very talented artist. Keep up the good work.
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 27, 2019
Wow! I love all the bright colors and different shapes you used to make this collage! ??
- Michelle (Mother) on November 20, 2019
I love the yellow baseball field and the players getting ready to play. Is that a red boom bat? I cannot wait to play baseball now that I see this!! Go Billy Go!!
- Grandpa on October 30, 2019
Hi Billy, I love the blue sky, yellow dirt of the baseball field and the players getting ready like you do. Is that a boom bat?
- Grandpa on October 30, 2019
Wow! This is a great baseball drawing! I love the blue sky and all the colors you used!! Keep up the great work!
- Michelle (Mother) on October 23, 2019