Joseph34312's Comments (48)

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Below are comments about Joseph34312's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Joey, that is cool. Do you think you will get a cactus painted on your bedroom wall? Did this inspire that? Love you, bud.
- Dad on May 29, 2024
Hey Joey, Hay caramba! With the hot colors background-- orange, red and yellow-- I can feel the desert heat in this picture. The patterns remind me of Mexico and I like the way the green cactus pops out. Did you know that green and red are complementary colors-- they are across from each other on the color wheel (have you talked about that in art class?). Using complementary colors together gives the colors more power, as you did here. Bueno, muchacho!
- Papou on May 29, 2024
Joey, I love your cactus! I really like how the green stands out from the other colors in your background design.
- Mom on May 24, 2024
Cool project, cool card, Joey!
- Papou on May 1, 2024
Why did you like drawing the water dragon? Love, Dad
- Dad on April 29, 2024
Joey, love the style of this work. VanGogh? Love you, bud! Dad
- Thomas (Father) on March 25, 2024
Joey, cool! Is this artwork inspired by Picasso? I can't wait to hear more about it. I am glad you got to work together to create it! Love, Mom
- Melissa (Mother) on February 21, 2024
I was totally thinking Picasso before reading that this aligned to his work. You are true Renaissance Man- you do many things and many things, well. Carpe Diem! Love, Dad
- Thomas (Father) on February 21, 2024
Love "Joeytown," it looks like a snowy place-- maybe near Marquette?
- Papou on January 31, 2024
Joey- when did you do this one? I feel like I missed it along the way.
- Dad on January 24, 2024
Joey, I absolutely love this picture. The mall and coffee shop. Two of my favorite places. Looks super cozy! Great work! Love, Dad
- Dad on January 24, 2024
Hey Joey, I like how you reflected on your work. Why did you select “crash” and why would you have changed it to “rip”?
- Thomas (Father) on November 20, 2023
Joey, what do you think would happen if Warhol would have depicted the chicken asking for help? Very clever. Love you, bud.
- Thomas (Father) on November 20, 2023
Joey, I love your ice cream pictures. Wondering if they serve those in that place you mentioned in San Fransico? Love you, bud! Love, Dad
- Thomas (Father) on May 24, 2023
we all scream! I think I'd choose the lemon-lime cone, although the strawberry with the cookie looks pretty good, too. I wonder if Brewster's would trade your original for a few quarts?
- Papou on May 30, 2023
Joey, Nice work! Did you come up with the title? Love you, bud, Dad
- Dad on May 30, 2023
Those donuts look great, Joey except the one with spiders. I cannot believe you made that one. Love, Dad
- Dad on April 10, 2023
Joey, I love it. I wonder why the numbers are all jumbled up. What do you think Dali was trying to express?
- Melissa (Mother) on April 4, 2023
Joey, Dali is one of my favorites. Do you like him? Love, Dad
- Thomas (Father) on April 3, 2023
Joey, Salvador Dali would be proud. Cool! Papou
- Gary on April 3, 2023
Joey, I love this pumpkin so much. I love the colors and patterns you chose.
- Mommy on March 7, 2023
Joey, What do you mean by positive and negative space hearts? I have an idea but I need you to teach me about it. Love seeing your work. Love, Dad
- Dad on March 1, 2023
Joey, I really like the patterns you made in between the lines and the colors you chose. Love, Dad
- Thomas (Father) on November 1, 2022
Joey that's really cool. I like your pattern and color combo. Love, Dad
- Dad on October 27, 2022
Love this pumpkin, Joey. The colors are really cool, and I like the way you used the black and white patterns in between. It reminds me of something Tim Burton might do.
- Papou on October 27, 2022
Joey, Why am I not shocked that you designed a Stranger Things piece of art? You rascal! I love it. Thank you for sharing, Love, Dad
- Dad on October 27, 2022
Joseph, Thank you for sharing your art. Do you like Georgia O'Keefe's style?
- Thomas (Father) on May 19, 2022
Cool skull, Joe. I like how you have flowers and a skull. I am wondering- Do you think those two items usually go together? What do you think about Georgia O'Keefe's art?
- Mommy on May 19, 2022
Hey Joey, Cool! Did you know Wayne Thiebauld worked at Disney when he was a teenager? I met him in Philadelphia years ago and saw him paint a picture!
- Papou on April 6, 2022
Joey, cool! I like this a lot. You'll have to tell me more about this piece and the artist who inspired it at home.
- Melissa (Mother) on April 4, 2022
Hey Joseph, What are you calling this piece of art? Love you bud, Dad
- Dad on April 4, 2022
Hi Joey, VanGogh would be jealous! Did the teacher talk about him when you painted this? I like the soft colors you used.
- Papou on March 9, 2022
Joey, I love it. These sunflowers are so lovely. I like how you used several different colors to color them.
- Melissa (Mother) on March 1, 2022
Hey Joey, These sunflowers are super timely with world affairs. Coincidentally, the sunflower is a symbol of Ukraine. Love, Dad
- Dad on March 1, 2022
Very Cool
- Gary on February 7, 2022
Very Cool
- Gary on February 7, 2022
Dear Joey, Very Cool!
- Gary Kunkelman on February 7, 2022
Joey, I can see why you want to turn this one into a t-shirt. The main character looks cool and the details in the back are nice. Love, Dad
- Dad on February 2, 2022
Joey, I absolutely love this fox. I love the color as well as the background. Keep up the great work.
- Melissa (Mommy) on February 2, 2022
Hey Joey, I love the way you stayed in the lines and the colors you used for this butterfly. It looks professionally done. Way to go, bud! Love, Dad
- Thomas (Father) on November 18, 2021
Joey, I love this "cool guy" butterfly. I love the colors you chose. What kinds of paints did you use to create him?
- Melissa (Mother) on November 18, 2021
Joey, I love this pumpkin! How did you get the dots of color on there? I also think you did a great job drawing lines on the pumpkin.
- Mommy on November 17, 2021
Hi Joey, Like this pumpkin-- the dots and colors you chose really make it different from an average orange pumpkin. Papou.
- Gary(fan) on November 17, 2021
Joey, I love the dots. Did you pick that color combination? Thank you for taking a picture and showing me. It brightens my day. Love, Dad
- Thomas (Father) on November 10, 2021
Joseph, I like the colors you used for this piece of art. You make it come to life. Thank you for sharing. Love, Dad.
- Thomas (Father) on October 12, 2021
Joey, Nice work creating the rainbow! I like how you shaded in the background. The sun is super cool with the shades! Love, Dad
- Thomas (Father) on November 27, 2019
Hey Joey, Mr. Laid Back Sun is so cool! Loving the big smile and sunglasses! And putting the rainbow colors in order is a nice touch. Papou
- Gary on November 27, 2019
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