Colin10816's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Colin10816's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Colin, Love your artwork. So original and shows what a good artist you are. The colors you chose are beautiful. Grandma Dee
- Jane (Grandma Dee) on October 16, 2024
Colin, This puppet is adorable and I think you did a great job. I love all of your artwork and love how creative you are. ??
- Grandma Dee on February 16, 2022
Colin, This puppet is adorable and I think you did a great job. I love all of your artwork and love how creative you are. ??
- Grandma Dee on February 16, 2022
Wow, Colin. Your use of color and lines is terrific. love it.
- grandma Ilene on February 16, 2022
So beautiful Colin! Your artwork just keeps getting more interesting. You are so talented. Lots of Love from grandma Dee ??
- Jane on February 2, 2022
Another beautiful picture Colin. I always look forward to your art. You are very talented. Love, Grandma Dee ??
- Jane on February 2, 2022
Another beautiful picture Colin. I always look forward to your art. You are very talented. Love, Grandma Dee ??
- Jane on February 2, 2022
Colin, You used your imagination on this one. I really like it and know you worked hard. You are such a talented artist. I look forward to seeing all of your artwork. Love you, Grandma Dee
- Jane (Grandma Dee) on February 2, 2022
Another beautiful picture Colin. You are so talented. I love your pumpkin.
- (Grandma Dee ) on December 8, 2021
Love this picture!
- Ilene on October 27, 2021
Just love this picture of a turtle Colin. The colors are so beautiful and bright and I think this is one of your best. You are such a talented artist. Grandma Dee ??
- Jane(fan) on October 27, 2021
Colin, I just love your turtle and the colors you chose are so beautiful. You are a very talented artist. Grandma Dee ??
- Jane(fan) on October 27, 2021
Love this one buddy!!
- Christie (Mother) on October 21, 2021
Great picture!
- Ilene on October 27, 2021
Enjoy your artwork Colin. This is very creative. You are a very talented artist. Lots of love, Grandma Dee
- Jane(fan) on October 27, 2021
Colin, this fox is awesome! Love the red.
- Ilene on October 6, 2021
Colin, Your fish is so beautiful. All of your artwork is amazing. You are so talented and I love looking at it. Keep up the good work. Love you,
- Jane on June 16, 2021
Colin, Your fish is so beautiful. All of your artwork is amazing. You are so talented and I love looking at it. Keep up the good work. Love you,
- Jane on June 16, 2021
Colin, Your artwork is so beautiful. You are an artist. Just love to look at all of your pictures. Grandma Dee ??
- Jane on May 26, 2021
So Beautiful Colin! Love, mom
- Christie (Mother) on April 21, 2021
This is so beautiful Colin. I love all of your artwork. It puts a smile on my face. You are so talented.
- Jane on April 21, 2021
This is so beautiful Colin. I just love all of your artwork. It always puts a smile on my face. Lots of love, Grandma Dee
- Jane on April 21, 2021
Dear Colin Grandma and Pop Pop just love your latest artwork, You are so creative and we love the colors you chose. You are such a wonderful artist. We are looking forward to your next picture. Love, Dee and Pop Pop
- Grandma Dee on June 24, 2020
This picture is beautiful. Love all of the colors you chose.
- Grandma Dee on April 8, 2020
This picture is beautiful. Love all of the colors you chose.
- Grandma Dee on April 8, 2020
I love this picture. You are a very talented artist.
- Grandma Dee on April 8, 2020
Makes my day to see your beautiful work
- Grandma ilene on February 26, 2020
Very cute!
- Christie (Mother) on February 11, 2020