George, I am so proud of your art work!! You take your time and it is always a great picture. Keep up the great work!!!
- Grandma Judi on June 1, 2022
George, This is amazing! You should have a garden like this at home! Love you, Auntie Amy
- Amy on December 29, 2021
What is the name of this 'thing?' It looks like a spaceship, or a fuzzy bug who loves the garden!
- Grandma Denise on December 22, 2021
Looks like a healthy garden, George! Great painting!
- Grandma Denise on December 22, 2021
This artwork has great composition so you look from one area to another. The colors and texture are excellent. I really like the black lines, which are different but go well together! Grandma Denise
- Denise on April 28, 2021
I love this George! So creative, colorful, and fun!
- Amy on April 28, 2021
Your cat is super special! I especially like the pink and purple used together and love the green collar (I think that’s what the green is!). Grandma Denise
- Denise on April 28, 2021
Hi George, I love the snail you made! The beads and stars are a beautiful addition and make it sparkle! You did s great job!! Grandma Denise
- Denise on April 28, 2021
I love all your pieces George! It looks like the hippo is in water, the cat is happy, the dinosaur is scary, the fish mobile is cool, the Matisse panels are amazing and I love the line drawing! It looks like a building. Love you! Auntie Amy
- Amy(fan) on April 28, 2021
George, This artwork is fantastic! I especially like your use of clear plastic wrap (I think that's what it is) on the bottom to give texture. The colors are wonderful together and your drawing and composition are excellent! I love it! Grandma Denise
- Denise(fan) on April 13, 2021
George, you are getting to be quite the artist! This picture reminds me of the water Lillies that we see at Como Zoo. I love all of your pictures that you have been making. Keep up the great job!!
- Grandma on March 4, 2020
George, This is absolutely amazing! I knew they were lily pads right away. It reminds me of the lily pads your Great Grandpa Miller's lake had.
- Auntie Amy on March 4, 2020
George, your painting of Monet-inspired waterlilies is great! You have good composition, great color repetition, and good value change. What fun you must have when you draw and paint! Love it!
- Grandma Denise on March 4, 2020
George! Your case of flowers is beautiful! Monet would be proud to know you understand the way he painted. Will you paint with me some day?
- Denise on February 25, 2020
George, This is absolutely beautiful! I LOVE it!! You are so talented!
- Amy on February 25, 2020
George, I am so proud of your wonderful picture of you!! You did a wonderful job and I am so proud of you!
- Grandma Judi on January 15, 2020
George! This is amazing and so much fun! It looks just like you!! I'm so proud of you!