Ellie8265's Comments (44)

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Below are comments about Ellie8265's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I wish I was in this truck bringing home corn and pumpkins enjoying the day in late fall. The colors are splendid! Well done Ellie!
- Grandma Jamie on November 20, 2024
This really makes me think. It reminds me of many things. Maybe mountains or maybe it's a fence I'm looking over. This is a "Make you think artwork."
- Grandpa Mc on October 26, 2024
Really great work. It reminds me of jugs that were unearthed in Egypt. It also looks like it is 3-D nice work!
- Grandpa Mc on October 26, 2024
Ellie, I have seen these mountain bluffs some where before! I think Arizonia. The cactus looks beautiful in bloom. Great Job!
- Grandpa Mc on October 26, 2024
Great job! Love your artwork!!
- Gma Donna on May 29, 2024
Grandma Carey would love this cardinal. It's looking right at me.
- Dave on January 31, 2024
Ellie this guy makes me notice so many gnomes every where! Great work.
- Dave on January 31, 2024
She definitely has talent!
- Lyla on March 8, 2023
I want to hug this bear, it looks very fun and safe to hug. Keep up this really fine art work.
- Grandpa Mc on February 15, 2023
It is really fun to see a happy feeling picture. Your art work always makes me smile. What is that puppy so happy about? Is that his owner showing the puppy his new home? I love this!
- Grandpa Mc on February 15, 2023
I love this fall scene of colorful leaves floating in the blue sky. I see maple and elm leaves maybe an oak leaf. Keep up the good art work
- Grandma Jamie on December 14, 2022
Ellie how do you do it? You made a picture that makes me see many things. I see a fun house with great colors and xtras. Then I see a spooky house that seems alive with eyes, hands and arms, a big spooky mouth all with a Pumpkin looking roof. We love it!
- Grandpa Mc on November 23, 2022
Beautiful picture! Love the colors.
- Gma Donna on November 10, 2022
How cute they all are friends here. One even looks a little different but no one seems to notice. They are all having fun and maybe paying attention to their teacher.
- Grandpa Mc on October 26, 2022
That looks really hard to do. How did you get the different rectangles? Is this like weaving? I bet you could make a whole bed sheet or new rug.
- Grandpa Mc on October 26, 2022
Well Ellie you have created another work of art! I wish I had your talent and ideas. We hope you keep creating things and ideas,
- Grandpa Mc on October 26, 2022
Why is this moose looking at me? Is it hungry or just curious? The antlers are really big Wow. I hope it doesn't snow like in this picture at my house. Really great work!
- Grandpa Mc on February 23, 2022
This an owl that seems to want to land on your shoulder. I'm not too worried about this bird, he seems friendly. I hope I'm not wrong! Keep up the great work.
- Grandpa Mc on February 23, 2022
I'm waiting for this chameleon to change colors right now!
- Grandpa M on November 11, 2021
Ellie you are going to have to tell me about this art work. I have so many ideas about it. I know its about birthdays.
- Grandpa M on November 11, 2021
Now this hat makes me think of a very spooky witch. The hat seems like it is looking right at me! Really great job.
- Grandpa M on November 11, 2021
Ellie You have a great eye for great ideas to paint. You are very talented!
- Grandpa M on November 11, 2021
Ellie this is a really well done art work! You make me feel like I'm under the ocean. I wonder if sponge bob is somewhere down here. I see that your castle has more than one floor in it. That is so cool. I think I can see stairs and a star fish in this picture. I thought that if I use my imagination, I can see a face in your castle. The 2 windows are eyes and the starfish is a mouth. GREAT JOB!
- Grandpa Mc on November 11, 2021
Wow this picture reminds me of grandma's and mine vacation to Mexico. Did I show you those pictures or did you imagine what it is like there? Your colors are so great and so true to the country. Keep up the great work.
- Grandpa Mc on March 10, 2021
Oh my goodness! Now this is really great. Is this your back yard or mountains in Colorado? t looks sunny but maybe a little windy. I hope you continue to create these great works of art. You are so lucky to have these skills. We will see the same kind of paintings when we go to the art center.
- Grandpa Mc on January 13, 2021
Wow this art work is interesting! Your project makes me see different things. Maybe a picture that is putting itself together. Or maybe it could be someone who has many thoughts about a lot of things. This really makes me think. Good Job!
- Grandpa Mc on December 9, 2020
this so pretty it makes me happy and i think of you love grandma jamie
- Grandpa Mc on November 30, 2020
Ellie, your art work is really showing how talented you are! Your color choices of the flower itself and back ground color really make all the colors really pop out. Please keep coming up with excellent art work. You should be very proud. We are
- Grandpa Mc on November 30, 2020
did you draw the koala bear by a tree ? Looks so cuddly with his arms stretched out just waiting for a hug OOOXXX
- Jamie on March 12, 2020
Hey Mate! This Koala sure is cute. It looks very kind. Does it give hugs? Great Job Ellie!
- Grandpa Mc on February 26, 2020
This is a great art work! It looks like it might be very cold there but the penguin seems very happy and kind. Is that a collage?
- Grandpa Mc on January 31, 2020
Very impressive!
- Lyla on January 31, 2020
I am impressed with Ellie’s ability to draw, can’t wait to see what she draws next.
- Lyla on January 8, 2020
I think the eyes on your picture are excellent keep up your good work
- Jamie on January 8, 2020
What a great picture! I wonder what he is looking at? It must be very cold to have such rosy cheeks. The use of colors and the hearts make me feel very happy. I would like to have a hat like his too.
- Dave on January 8, 2020
Gobble Gobble come here Mr. Turkey. This is a really happy looking turkey. Great job!
- Grand pa M on December 8, 2019
What a great fish and all the other little fish are so cute. Did you catch this fish with your dad? Just kidding, it is too good to be a regular fish.
- Grand pa M on December 8, 2019
I think this is Z the cat. This cat is looking at me just like Z does. I think I can hear Z purring!
- Grand pa M on December 8, 2019
El this is a great pumpkin! I want to pick it up and see how heavy it is. Great work
- Grand pa M on December 8, 2019
Wish it was in my garden!
- Jamie on December 8, 2019
Ellie this is so awesome the colors are very calming the purples and the blues and pink with a small bit of yellow makes me think of a Turkey who will see many happy days
- Jamie on December 3, 2019
This is the best pumpkin ever Charlie Brown would be proud … the mix of orange and yellow are brilliant
- Jamie on December 3, 2019
The colors are brilliant
- Jamie on December 3, 2019
Ellie is this Z cat you captured her spirit and pretty eyes that never blink and how sweet she is when you pet her
- Jamie on December 3, 2019