Cole789's Comments (27)

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Below are comments about Cole789's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Coley, This is just another example of your awesome talent. I love the heart theme. It's perfect for Valentine's day!!! Love ya, Erica ps Cookie, Cricket and Piper told me to tell you Hi! HEHE
- on February 13, 2009
Cole, I was sooo glad that I am in your fan club! I love this picture. I am going to show it Korey, and he is going to be impressed too. Love you, Erica :)
- on September 15, 2008
I love this picture Cole. The colors are beautiful. You are a wonderful artist. Love Momma
- on August 25, 2008
Cole: This is a beautifully drawn and detailed cover for your Art Book. You have been working on your art skills, and it shows with the blending in the water and covering the entire paper with color. Excellent! It's fun to have you in art class again this year! Ms. Hazzard
- on August 25, 2008
Cole: I love to look at your flower painting! It is so interesting how you gave the inside of the flower a different color from the outside petals. But mostly its the background because it looks like water that I love the most.
- on May 20, 2008
Great dragon, Cole! Excellent combination of colors flowng from head, through body, and tail give each area interest yet unifies the art work. Beautiful!
- on May 20, 2008
Cole you are awesome in your art! I love your bunny collage!
- on April 22, 2008
What a pretty Valentine. Did you enjoy doing it?
- on April 22, 2008
Beautiful job, Cole. Great work with color for crayon resist! Ms. Hazzard
- on December 23, 2007
Cole: What a beautifully colored snowman! Ms. Hazzard
- on December 18, 2007
Cole- I love the snowman - wish we had some snow outside you could build a "real one"- Golda
- on December 18, 2007
Shapes surrounding center very well cut. Especially the way you have two corners different making the balance asymmetrical instead of radial. Beautiful! Ms. Hazzard
- on December 10, 2007
Cole: Very trim snowflake - excellent! Ms. Hazzard
- on December 10, 2007
Beautiful, Cole! I know this will look great wherever you put it! Ms. Hazzard
- on December 7, 2007
Another talented artist from Plain Elementary!
- on December 7, 2007
Cole: Your weaving is beautiful! Ms. Hazzard
- on November 13, 2007
What beautiful artwork!!! Ms. Hazzard
- on November 11, 2007
Cole: This is really beautiful and shows knowledge of how to put lines onto the mirror printed image.
- on November 11, 2007
Oh Boy Cole. I had not seen any since the scuba diving picture! This is awesome. It looks like it is on a window. Is it? Golda
- on November 11, 2007
Hi there Cole. You know I need a picture for my wall. I have one from Shelby. You can choose the theme and the colors. I really liked the happy snail family! You get better everytime I look at the book! Golda
- on October 30, 2007
Hi Coley, I like the colors you used on this one. I am going to have to get you to do one for me to hang on my wall. You are soooo good. love ya, Erica :)
- on April 28, 2007
Cole, I love this Sea picture. You are a great artist. Mama
- on March 30, 2007
Thank you and Mom for sending me this site. I love it! Reminds me of Nemo.
- on March 30, 2007
Cole- great job! I have one Pam Erica's sister did at your age that was purple black and green but she did not use stripes. How creative!
- on March 30, 2007
very creative, I like the colors used.
- on March 20, 2007
Cole, I love this piece. I am a big fan of sea creatures, and they look very realistic. Thank You for letting me be in the group. I look forward to seeing more, keep them coming. love you, Erica
- on March 20, 2007
Cole: You did a great job with this paper weaving. I especially like the colorful strips of blue and yellow added for emphasis. Ms. Hazzard
- on March 20, 2007