Rebekah266's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Rebekah266's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Rebekah, NaNa likes your new art. I am so thankful that we can see what you are doing at school and Mom and Dad decided to continue to allow you to share this with us. We love you, Pop and NaNa
- on October 17, 2008
Beka, We just received your latest art work, the Bunny, and it is great. We are thankful that your teacher takes the time to send these in so we can see them so quickly. Love you, NaNa
- on October 17, 2008
Rebekah: This is a great piece. You did a great job with drawing the instrument, adding color and background, and final touches of musical notes just make a beautiful work of art. Ms. Hazzard
- on February 5, 2008
Beka, Thank Mommie for allowing us to see your new art work. I love the leaf. I also forgot about the snowman from last year or was it published last year.
- on February 5, 2008
Rebekah: It is so nice to have you again as an art student. This beautifully colored painting shows why. I love to look at the subtle details and colors in the leaves and flowers that you've taken time and effort to include. Just beautiful. Ms.Hazzard
- on February 5, 2008