Lucca, I love seeing all of your creations! I love that your school puts your art online for family to see
- Nana on May 20, 2020
This is pretty cool!
- Noni on May 17, 2020
Actually, it's Flippy - he doesn't really look angry. When I looked at the picture at first it was small, but when I enlarged it, I could see his face better. You're a good artist Lucca!
- Noni on May 17, 2020
This is really nice!! I love the colors you used!
- Noni on May 17, 2020
This looks like an angry fish! Haha! You did a good job drawing this!
- Noni on May 17, 2020
Cool gnome! I like the beard too.
- Noni on May 17, 2020
I like this a LOT and I think the left ear looks good like that. You did a good job following the instructions!
- Noni on May 17, 2020
great job lucca, love that he can talk
- mommy on May 17, 2020
Lucca, This is awesome!! I love it!
- Nana on April 29, 2020
Lucca, This is awesome!! I love it!
- Nana on April 29, 2020
Lucca, Your artwork gets better each time!! Love this one?? Nana
- Nana on April 29, 2020
Hi Lucca, This is one of your best drawings. I love it because it's bright and so good and it looks so real. I like the 3-D effect. Looks really good.
- Noni on April 13, 2020
Lucca, I really love this picture of the basketball hoop! I like watching you play basketball more, though. I think this is your best picture so far. Love you, Nana
- Nana on April 8, 2020
This is one of the best boats I've seen. I love how you made the colors dark so they really show up. Great drawing Lucca!
- Noni on March 4, 2020
This is kind of funny.....and cute!
- Noni on March 4, 2020
Lucca - I like this artwork so much!! There's a lot of good detail in your work and I love the bright colors. Good work!
- Noni on March 4, 2020
This is cool, Lucca!
- Gino (Father) on February 26, 2020
Lucca, I love this picture! The colors are so bright and fancy. Love, Nana
- Nana on February 26, 2020
nice garage lucca! can't wait to see what you put in it when you bring it home.