Owen17994's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Owen17994's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Owen, I love this! You chose wonderful colors and I love the way you made it look like Picasso!! Great job!!!
- Nanny on January 24, 2024
What a cool optical illusion you’ve done, Owen!!! You’re a really good artist and I’m so proud of you!
- Nanny on October 25, 2023
Owen, this is a really neat piece of art! I love the lines behind the hand - they really make the hand stand out! You are very talented. Love, Aunt Steph
- Stephanie(fan) on March 8, 2023
I love your use of color in this piece. It’s creative and imaginative!
- Aunt Steph on December 21, 2022
Your picture is so dramatic Owen! I love the colors you’ve used and the way they are on the page. You are a very good artist! Love you!
- Nanny on October 27, 2022
What a beautiful job Owen! I love the colors you chose! Amazing!!!
- Nanny on March 24, 2022
Owen, This picture makes me so happy to look at! I love the colors you used and the faces you put on the buildings. You’re a great artist!
- Nanny on January 12, 2022
Owen, I love your pumpkins especially the one with the eyes and mouth! You’re such a good artist! Love you more!! Nanny
- Nanny on December 1, 2021
Great job Owen! That’s a lot of detail and coloring for such a crazy sandwich! ??????
- Nanny on June 2, 2021
Owen, You are doing an amazing job drawing! I very proud of your artistic talent! Love you so much! Nanny
- Nanny(fan) on March 3, 2021