First of all who said that????? and second awesome artwork!! Cole =) =)
- on September 24, 2007
this is great!!!!!!!! im really lucky to have a friend like you that is a good drawer!
- on September 23, 2007
hi jack nice artwork its really good Thanks Cole From school
- on September 22, 2007
Jack, as both an artist and friend of Adrienne and Val, I wish to congratulate you! Your flow and balance of line and color are most pleasing. Would like to see more in the future. Has your teacher considered you as a candidate for the Carnegie Golden Key Award? Inquire. All the best. Kitty K.
- on September 20, 2007
I love the art work. I see all sorts of things in it. The colors are beautiful.
- on September 20, 2007
My name is Steve Brandt. I am the husband of your Art Teacher, Ms. Chris Brandt. Great work, Jack! I particularly like this piece. I am also the choir director of Rejoice Lutheran Church. We just recorded a CD and I would like to use your artwork as a background in the CD insert. Ms. Brandt has also produced a Batik that we will be using as well. We would like to ask for your permisison to use your artwork on the CD insert. You will be credited as the Artist in the CD insert. Our choir is a non-profit group and the CD will not be sold for profit to the general public. We plan to print about 100 CDs. Please have your parents email me at so that I may talk with them and you about this request. Thanks and keep making great art! Steve Brandt
- on September 10, 2007
That's the best painting I've ever seen
- on September 10, 2007
omg. this is worth a millon dollars.see ya
- on March 8, 2007
sswweeaat.tot osome. se u
- on March 8, 2007
your art worck is osome. you da bomb
- on March 8, 2007
nniiiccee. osome art work.your on fire.
- on March 8, 2007
your art work knocked me off my feet.wwwoooowww!!!
- on March 9, 2007
OmG It'S JaCk RaU!!!! YoUr ArTWoRk iS AmAziN'!!! L FoR LoVE <3 mc
- on March 7, 2007
HOLY COW!!!!! this art work is amazing....if i had a million dollars i would buy it......ADiOS!! <<the bestest person ever>>
- on March 7, 2007
dude your art work is totally awesome!!!!! peace out girl scout.....l8tr g8tr