This one is my favorite of all your work. Nice shading! Almost like the pieces are glowing.
- on January 22, 2008
wow what awsome work
- on March 27, 2007
I like them both. This is one is kool. A cool green you could say. :) Great work, Gabrielle!
- on March 26, 2007
GREAT work, Gab! I can't wait to see more! Ms. Teri
- on March 26, 2007
hey gabby! i think that the whole capatiler on the leaf is such a CUTE idea!!!!!!!!!! i am with you 500% on this pictures and all your others (if you ever make any more) well........KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!
- on March 15, 2007
The whole capitaller thing is CUTE. I have one question though... how did you get it on the internet?