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Glenna46's Comments
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Below are comments about Glenna46's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a masterpiece and needs to be framed!! Awesome job, Glenna!
- Aunt Susie on May 27, 2020
Oh, this is a good one! What an awesome artist you are! Did you know your Daddy used to draw good pictures too, when he was your age?
- Grandma Janice on May 20, 2020
Who is that chasing a squirrel up the tree? Is this from your yard?
- Grandma Janice on May 20, 2020
This is the best idea & the name of your business is perfect. Have you made any treats for your pups to try yet? They can be your testers!
- Grandma Janice on May 20, 2020
Glenna! Love your self portrait! Great job once again.
- Grandma Janice on May 20, 2020
Glenna, I'm so excited about your story! Great job! I can really tell you love animals.? Love you & miss you!
- Grandma Janice on May 20, 2020
Glenna, I love your illustrations Can’t wait to read the stories! You are so talented!
- Mom on May 14, 2020
Looks like the animals are playing inside but wish they could be outside that day! Good job, Glenna!
- Aunt Susie on May 14, 2020
Glenna, This looks amazing. When I first saw this picture, I thought it was an example of a picture from an art museum!!
- Michele on December 12, 2019
Glenna, you did a wonderful job. You are so talented and creative!
- Kim on December 12, 2019
I love this artwork! Glenna, you are really a great artist. I live the lines you drew & I want to use the colors of the picture in my kitchen!
- Grandma Janice on December 12, 2019
Awesome! Love the colors.
- Susie on December 12, 2019
Oh, I love this picture so much! What great artwork, Glenna! I have always loved your art. Grandma Janice loves you!
- Grandma on December 12, 2019
I really love this piece!
- Stan (Father) on December 10, 2019