Stella4880's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Stella4880's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Stella, great job on your castle. Grammy would love to live in a big colorful castle like this with you. Love you lots ??????
- Grammy on February 2, 2021
Love the PINK Stash’Osh’Bagosh! Your art is so well done; you have a great talent!
- Jenny on February 2, 2021
Great job Stasha! I can’t believe you drew this because it looks like an adult did it. I’m so proud of you and I asked someone to make this into a T-shirt for me as a Christmas present, maybe I’ll ask Santa too. Keep up the good work I love you more than all the stars in the sky -Daddy
- Josh on December 9, 2020
What a Cute Monster, Nice Job Stelly ????
- Susan on December 9, 2020
Stylish look and immaculate replica, love your art work!
- Jenny on May 15, 2020
Stelly, Grammy loves your sneaker picture. You did a great job, way to go. Looks better then your real one. So proud of you.
- Susan on May 15, 2020
Ooh, ahh, Ooh-La-La, Va-va-va-voom! This is professional work here, Stashi. The colors of the background and your black and white self-portrait are very creative choices. You are such a smart art student! I feel very proud of you when I see all of the different types of great school work you participate in. Love you!
- Jenny on March 20, 2020
Stasha, My goodness this is the most EXCELLENT self portrait I’ve ever seen. I love the colors and such a beautiful dress you’re wearing . I’m so proud and thankful that I get to be your Daddy. Do you know how much I love you ? That’s right!, more than all the stars in the sky. Excellent excellent excellent job baby! Big squeez: Love , Daddy
- Josh on March 20, 2020