Sarah4220's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Sarah4220's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is my favorite! The colors are so warm and inviting!
- on May 28, 2008
Sarah, These are really cool. You are getting better & better with each drawing!!! I really like your LADYBUGS, Your Perspective drawing & Your "hidden" name drawing. You seem to have a great Art Teacher there. Keep up the Great Work Kiddo!!
- on May 28, 2008
I feel like I'm on the this raod with you! Love, Nana
- on March 26, 2008
THat piece of artwork is really cool in a glance you can kind of see a three D look to it. really it's just beaut-i-ful!!!! Cool Cool, Madeline
- on March 26, 2008
Beautiful picture...Mom
- on March 10, 2007
by the way can i join your fan club? tell catherine Clare
- on March 9, 2007
cool pic, i'm catherines sis by clare
- on March 9, 2007
GOOD JOB! -Rachel
- on March 9, 2007