Penelope2164's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Penelope2164's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You continue to amaze me with all you do! Diaramas are fun, but challenging, and full of creative thought and effort. Your artistry knows no bounds, and I love that.
- Robin (Mother) on May 1, 2024
I love this one as well. You've got a serious case of soccer ball thumb and might want to get that checked out by a doctor. Music finger is my favorite because the musical notes do the same thing for me, take me away when I'm listening. The only thing I don't have is math finger. I'm so happy you enjoy that one :)
- Daddy on May 1, 2024
This one is still one of my favorites. A spooky tree with the most fantastic sunset! Great use of color with a spooky spider tree silhouette. Two of my favorite things! You are a great artist and I can't wait to see your future works.
- Daddy on May 1, 2024
Look how far you've come, drawing portraits! This one is full of creativity as well as color. Plus, I've always wondered what my daughter would look like as a snowwoman!! Keep up the great work!
- Daddy on May 1, 2024
Penelope, I really love your use of perspective on this piece! The trees are larger in the foreground, and smaller as they go back. Also the pathway leading from the foreground to the back gets skinnier. The house in the background is in good three-dimensional perspective! Great work! I love it!
- Daddy on May 1, 2024
Your ability to learn and use different mediums is impressive.
- Robin (Mother) on February 25, 2024
Hauntingly beautiful.
- Robin (Mother) on February 25, 2024
You amaze me!
- Robin (Mother) on February 25, 2024
Absolutely incredible! You are so creative, and talented.
- Mom on February 25, 2024
Absolutely incredible! You are so creative, and talented. ????????
- Mom on February 25, 2024
- Rick on November 8, 2023
I love this! My favorite so far. Keep up the creative spirit, sweet girl!
- Meredith on July 15, 2020
Love this crazy, happy hedgehog! I love the colors that you used and the way he is all spiked up. ??
- Gaga on July 15, 2020
Absolutely beautiful!
- Robin on July 15, 2020
I love this! I especially love how colorful you made this!
- Carol on November 6, 2019