Samuel21508's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Samuel21508's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sam, I love your artwork. The picture looks like you! Keep up the great artwork.
- Nana on February 7, 2024
Sam, I love your artwork. He looks like you! Keep up the good work!
- Nana on February 7, 2024
Nicely done Sam. Looks like something from his Blue Period!
- Scott on May 17, 2023
Sam, your artwork is awesome. I love the guitar design. Keep up the great work you do.
- Love, Nana on May 17, 2023
How appropriate for Valentine's Day coming up
- Scott on April 5, 2023
Great job making a Japanese style painting. Looks so real.
- Scott on April 13, 2022
I love the heart shapes. SO colorful. Great job?
- Ellen on March 30, 2022
This picture is just like Same, full of love
- Scott on March 30, 2022
Sam, I love your art work, it looks like you put a lot heart in to it!!You are so talented.
- Nana on March 30, 2022
Great autumn leaves, very nice to look at
- Scott on December 8, 2021
This piece has a little bit of a scary feel to it...almost like a ghost trying to move through the ectoplasm (Ghostbusters?)
- Scott on December 8, 2021
Sam, I am so proud of you and your artistic ability. Keep up your awesome drawings!!
- Nana on December 8, 2021
Sam, I am very proud of you and your great artistic ability. Keep up the awesome drawings??????
- Nana on December 8, 2021
Lovely leaves. ??
- Ellen on November 10, 2021