Billy2843's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Billy2843's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Billy I love the colors and vibe I get from this. I can't wait for you to walk me through your process. I know it can be tough when we make mistakes, but remember sometimes we get a beautiful oops and we can try again later. Keep it up!
- Mommy on May 10, 2022
Billy, these are cool! I like the setting you created, can't wait to hear more about them.
- Mommy on April 4, 2022
Billy, I adore the bold contrasting color and you did such a great job on the overlaps. That isn't easy at all! Well done mate, love you forever!
- Stephanie (Mother) on November 8, 2021
The colors are beautiful!
- Griffard on November 8, 2021
Wow Billy, that looks like an amazing place to see a Flamingo! Can we go camping there?
- Stephanie (Mother) on October 15, 2021
Awesome Taz and Bugs mate! I love it, great job.
- Stephanie (Mother) on January 20, 2021
That is amazing Billy. I sure do miss getting to see all your artwork!
- Mrs Griffard on January 20, 2021
Wow billy, I love the color contrasts and patterns you chose here. Keep up all your good work, you are amazing!
- Mom on December 16, 2020
Billy, we love your work. Looking forward to more in Grade 2.
- Grandma & Grand Dad on September 30, 2020
We could have used this in our shapes units!
- Mrs Griffard on February 26, 2020
Great perspective Billy!
- Mrs Griffard on February 26, 2020
I love owls! The babies are so cute!
- Mrs Griffard on February 26, 2020
Might be my favorite art piece of yours...yet!
- Mrs Griffard on February 26, 2020
I love your Santa Claus Billy! He looks so happy and jolly!
- Mrs Griffard on February 26, 2020
I love the colors and the details!
- Mrs Griffard on February 26, 2020
Billy, this is so sweet and perfect for Valentine's Day. I love the stitching too, well done.
- Mom on February 19, 2020
Love this one Billy, your art makes my day! Keep it up ??
- Stephanie (Mother) on February 9, 2020
That’s amazing Billy!!! Wow, I’m impressed. You’re so talented!
- Bianca on February 9, 2020
Billy! You are so talented! I absolutely love this picture! Your use of color and detail is so beautiful! I can not wait to see you continue to grow as an artist!
- Bianca on December 23, 2019
Billy- you absolutely Amaze me!~ That is Awesome! Papaw wants to know if this is a picture of Papaw with a red cap? I Love it! Nana
- Nana on December 23, 2019
Wow Billy, what a great Santa! He looks so jolly, and i love the colors and details you added. Sounds like Christmas carols in art class really gets you into the spirit <3
- Mom on December 18, 2019
Very cool, Billy-Your creativity amazes me! Hugs, Nana
- Nana on December 9, 2019
I love this artwork Billy - the detail is amazing!
- Grandma & Grand Dad on November 25, 2019
Wow Billy, the bring colors look so cool on the nocturnal owl! What is he standing on, I can't help but feel like he's a night surfing owl :) Great job, keep it up. Love you forever, mama.
- Stephanie (Mother) on November 20, 2019
I love this one Billy - such detail! You are very clever indeed.
- Grandma & Grand Dad on October 21, 2019
Wow Billy, great job on #D perspective. The barn and silo look great, plus I love the apple tree, duck pond, and other creatures in the yard. Why hasn't anyone checked the mail? They must be on holiday. This is great, keep them coming. Love always, Mom
- Stephanie (Mother) on October 16, 2019
Wow Billy! The colors and details are absolutely beautiful! you’re such a talented kid!
- Bianca on October 16, 2019
Billy, your artwork is amazing! I love all the different shapes that form a picture when you put them together. Love you xx
- Grandma & Grand Dad on October 9, 2019
Billy, this is So Cool! I can't wait for you to tell me this Shape Guy's story! Way to Go! Love, Nana
- Nana And Papaw on October 2, 2019
Very cool Billy, I love this creation with shapes. I can't wait to hear about how you were inspired on this one. Well done, Love mom.
- Stephanie (Mother) on September 25, 2019