You truly amaze us with your talent. Keep up the good work and continue to draw. PaPa and Annette
- on June 5, 2008
Great job William. Papa and Annette love the colors and designs.
- on February 19, 2008
Annette and PaPa really like the ocean scene. Your art work is really good. Keep up the good work. We are proud of you. We really like the fish and the colors are beautiful.
- on February 4, 2008
Great job William. The figures are very interesting and colorful. Papa
- on December 22, 2007
Hey that is quite a Gingerbread. You are certainly getting better with each drawing. PaPa
- on December 4, 2007
Annette says fantastic.
- on November 2, 2007
William you are turning into quite an artist. I did not know you were so talented in art. Keep working hard and have fun. PaPa
- on October 31, 2007
Your fish is very colorful. Anisha He did a good job on making the fish. Paul Kindergarten loves it.
- on March 23, 2007
Victoria thinks your undersea picture is VERY colorful.