Asher3785's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Asher3785's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love how artistic you are. This is awesome! Love, Mom
- Sharon (Mother) on February 23, 2023
You are so talented! I love your drip heart painting!
- Mom on March 22, 2023
This is amazing, son. You are quite a talented artist! Love, Dad
- Dad on October 26, 2022
I LOVE Your Penguin!! -Love, Mom
- Sharon (Mother) on October 11, 2022
I love your caterpillar! It is so colorful. You are becoming quite the little artist. Love, Mom
- Sharon (Mother) on February 11, 2020
I am so proud of you Asher!
- Sharon (Mother) on December 11, 2019