Grace1066's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Grace1066's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Grace, I love your cat! Another wonderful piece of art you have created for us to enjoy. Love, Grandma Janie
- on May 14, 2008
I love this one. You used some of my most favorite colors of blue and some purple too. Your fantastic, Grace. Love, Grandma Janie
- on May 14, 2008
Grace, I love your works of art! You are gifted in this area and I look forward to many more of your artistic endevors. When your paintings are hung in the any museum of art I will be there proudly proclaiming "that's my granddaughter, Grace Vanessa". Keep up the good work. Love. Grandma Janie.
- on May 14, 2008
What a cool piece of art! I love it!
- on May 14, 2008
Grace, Your art work is FANTASTIC. I love it. Looks like the bride is getting ready to say "I Do". Love, Grandma.
- on May 14, 2008
Grace, This is really good. I love all the colors you are using and the shapes. I see a bunny rabbit, a dog, an apple, grapes and small person and lettuce leaves. Keep up the good work. Grandma.
- on May 14, 2008
Grace, This is a great insect. I love the beautiful colors of your insect. Can you tell me what type of insect you have? Love, Grandma.
- on May 14, 2008
I love your butterfly Gracie LooHoo!! Love, Aunt Ness
- on May 14, 2008
I love your picture Grace! -Mommy
- on May 2, 2007
Wow! Grace, this is great work. I love it! Grandma Janie
- on May 2, 2007
Grace, Thank you for sharing your family with me. I love your art work! grandma Janie
- on March 26, 2007
Gracie, This is beautiful! I love it. It is so colorful. Love, Granma Janie
- on March 1, 2007
this is beautiful, Gracie LooHoo! Love, Aunt Ness
- on February 28, 2007