Matthew46210's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Matthew46210's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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These Christmas lights look amazing! The color effects you made with the chalk really stand out! Awesome job! Love, Dad
- Cristin (Mother) on January 2, 2024
That’s a really awesome looking pumpkin! What a fantastic use of colors and patterns to create such contrast! Keep up the good work! Love, Dad
- Cristin (Mother) on January 2, 2024
Such a cool illusion! You did an outstanding job! Love, Dad
- Cristin (Mother) on January 2, 2024
Awesome work Matt! It’s so festive and has a great message! Can’t wait to add it to our holiday art collection! Love, Dad
- Cristin (Mother) on January 2, 2024
Great job showing different perspectives Matt! Keep up the good work! Love, Dad
- Cristin (Mother) on January 2, 2024
Great Job Matthew, this looks awesome! I love the depth that you created with the patterns. Keep up the good work! :) Love, Dad
- Cristin (Mother) on March 21, 2023
He is so cute! Love Mom
- Cristin (Mother) on February 11, 2020
Matthew! So pretty! I love it! Love, Mommy :)
- Cristin (Mother) on February 11, 2020
This looks so great! Love Mom :)
- Cristin (Mother) on February 11, 2020
Great job Matthew! Love you! Mom
- Cristin (Mother) on October 8, 2019