Heidi2250's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Heidi2250's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this so much, Heidi! You are so creative and talented!
- Nana on February 26, 2025
Love it! Heidi, you're such a great artist!
- Nana on December 5, 2024
Great shadowing! Wow, and yum!
- Auntie Liz on May 3, 2024
Oh Heidi, that is super cute! Such a pretty fox face; she looks so happy in the forest. Beautiful painting and paper craft!
- Auntie Liz on April 11, 2023
Heidi! What a beautiful sea turtle!! I love the colorful shell! Love, Grandma
- Cindy on March 2, 2023
What nice Valentine hearts. I like how you weaved different colors in the big heart! Love, Grandma
- Cindy on February 22, 2023
Very cool Heidi! Horses are hard to draw and you did great. Fun to think of cavemen looking at these drawings like we check Facebook!
- Auntie Liz on September 28, 2022
What a beautiful bunny!
- Cindy on April 28, 2022
Wow Heidi! Your drawing is awesome! I'd love to be a bird in the sky flying with your hearts and clouds. I like how your write the letter "H," too. Very cool.
- Liz on March 2, 2022
Heidi, how elegant is your tree of life!!! Love, Grandma
- Cindy on February 2, 2022
Your skiing snowman is adorable, Heidi! I like the ear muffs and scarf so much. Excellent work!
- Liz on January 6, 2022
What a colorful nutcracker!! It reminds me of my nutcracker! Love, Grandma
- Cindy on January 6, 2022
I like your turkey Heidi! Good job on her beak. Isn't it amazing how clay changes? Always fun to see the new colors.
- Liz on November 29, 2021
I love your pot. What bright colors!!
- Cindy on November 29, 2021
Aw that is so sweet! I love how the tail is keeping baby fox warm. The big fox ears, eyes and nose are my favorite, and your background trees are great too. Good job Heidi.
- Auntie Liz on November 10, 2021
Great spider Heidi! Love the fun colors and textures. The web is really cool too!
- Liz on October 26, 2021
Great spider Heidi! Love the fun colors and textures. The web is really cool too!
- Liz on October 26, 2021
Wow Heidi, your birds are so pretty perched on the birch trees in the snow. It looks some of it is a painting and some is a collage. You did a great job with both, carefully cutting the birds out of paper. I love the colors, too, especially the purple. So, so pretty! Love, Auntie Liz
- Liz on February 24, 2021
What a big face! Isn't it fun to make big drawings sometimes?! And, drawing big faces helps you learn how to draw small faces too. Good practice and good work, Heidi!
- Liz on March 25, 2020
Heidi it's beautiful! The color reminds me of flowers, or maybe ruffles on a dress. Thank you for making it, you picked such a beautiful color.
- Liz on March 25, 2020
Heidi, I love your picture. The eyelashes are a wonderful touch! Love, Grandma
- Cindy on March 4, 2020
Heidi, Your winter landscape looks wonderful. I noticed that it looks like a Christmas tree In your picture! Love Grandma
- Cindy on January 30, 2020
Heidi, I love the bright colors in your art work! You did great on your rainbow shapes. Love, Grandma
- Cindy on January 30, 2020
Heidi, You did a wonderful job on your penguin plate and cup! I noticed that you have a big yellow stripe on your plate—your favorite color. Love, Grandma
- Cindy on December 4, 2019
Wow, Heidi, way to go! I like the background as much as your penguin. Is that a tree with apples? What a good idea. Very creative!
- Auntie Liz on December 4, 2019
Heidi, you did a great job putting your hand in the center. I like where you put the blue paper too! Very pretty. Good work!
- Auntie Liz on October 30, 2019
Great job, Heidi girl!!
- Nana on October 16, 2019
Heidi, Your rainbow handprint is beautiful! I love it! Keep up your artistic talents. I love you ?? Grandma
- Cindy on October 16, 2019
Very cool great job heidi
- Bob on October 9, 2019