Maria12291's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Maria12291's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Maria. This is Grandma Jeanne. I am so sorry I have not written or seen your art work for a while. I guess I just got too busy. And now I think you are in 7th grade? I always like seeing what you are working one and doing in school and elsewhere. It looks like you spend a lot of time in art class practicing and learning what it means to be an artist. Keep at it. I hope to see more as you get older. I hope you do too.
- Grandma Jeanne on December 29, 2021
Hi Maria. This is the one that looks like it is of a church in an old city far away. Maybe where our ancestors came from in europe? What country would that be? It's such a big church. Must have taken a long time and hard work to build. But it is beautiful. A place where people would like to go to pray and thank God. Does it look like your church? Or your school or home? Love, grandma Jeanne
- on February 17, 2021
Hi Maria. I missed this one but I'd like to take a ride in that boat. Or is it a ship? Would you be on board? We could go some where together. Maybe to an art galery or the painting that looks like a town or city far away in some land neither of us has been to. Will you go with me? Love, Grandma Jean
- on February 17, 2021
Maria, I love it! The colors all harmonize. What is it though? Should I use my imagination? What were you thinking about when you drew it and painted it? You and William show we can be artists. I think your picture is of a bird's feather. The feather looks like a bird viewed overhead. I see a beak, a tail and the tip of a wind? What do you think of your painting?
- Gmajeanne on October 21, 2020
Maria I would like to have this painting for my new house.
- on October 21, 2020
Now this is a very interesting painting. It makes me wonder what you were thinking about when you made it. All the lines and circles took a lot of effort to make. I'd like to know what you have to say about this one.
- on October 21, 2020
Looking at this painting reminds me a lot about Christmas cause it looks so real. All the different shades of each pretty color. I hope you continue to paint and draw cause you will have some very interesting art to show over the years. I like the art work I see your family has done in your home.
- on October 21, 2020
Hi Maria. I'm sorry I have not stopped by to comment on your art. But I do like the mountain and bear watercolor painting. I can see all the little details and shades of blue and brown. Looks like you were careful to mix just the right amount of each color to show different shades and the small and big areas of the land, mountains and sky. There is a lot to know about drawing and painting that I find hard to know how to do myself. But it is a skill that can be learned with time. Looks like you are spending lots of time and effort to make your art look real. And I see the little bear looking at us. That is so cute!
- on October 21, 2020
Hi Maria. I like your picture painting. It's the colors because they blend well together. I'd like to know what your teacher told you to do to make it? Please call me sometime and we can talk more about it.
- Gmajeanne on March 25, 2020
Maria we love all your work. I imagine this leaf is all in your yard the way you mix your color is great. Keep working hard you are good artist. Love you Abuela y Abuelo
- Abuelo & Abuela on November 9, 2019
Hi Maria. Your clay leaf look soooo real. And I like the color orange. Did you mix paints to get that shade of orange? What will you put in your dish? Candy? Cookies?? Love Grandma Jeanne
- Grandma Jeanne on November 9, 2019