Jessica4669's Comments (44)

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Below are comments about Jessica4669's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Jess I loved your picture. It is so colorful. Keep up all the great work you do. We love you and miss you so much . Love and laughter always Aunt Carol
- on November 3, 2008
Jessica: It's really going to be fun to see your soap dish fish when it's glazed. Awesome job! Ms. Hazzard
- on October 30, 2008
You Rock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- on October 21, 2008
Nice work!!!!!
- on October 21, 2008
Love it !!!!!!!!!!!
- on October 21, 2008
- on October 21, 2008
Great job
- on October 19, 2008
Nice picture......Love...Molly
- on October 19, 2008
Love the puppy.........
- on October 19, 2008
Nice Job........
- on October 19, 2008
- on October 19, 2008
Nice job.........Joey
- on October 19, 2008
Love the butterfly............
- on October 21, 2008
Love the rabbit.....Joey
- on October 19, 2008
Great bunny............
- on October 19, 2008
Great Job!!!!!!
- on October 19, 2008
This is so cool !!!! You are a great artist!! You are #1
- on October 19, 2008
Jessie, another great one! I love it! Miss you. Love, Missy xoxoxoxo
- on October 16, 2008
This is so cool...........
- on October 14, 2008
Jessie, is that me walking Foxy? Love the picture miss you! xoxoxo Missy
- on August 29, 2008
Where's the SNOW??
- on August 29, 2008
Jessie, this is your best work so far. I absolutely love it! It is such a peaceful scene. Keep up the great work. Love, Aunt Debbie
- on August 29, 2008
Love your work.
- on February 25, 2008
Good job....
- on February 25, 2008
Great work sweetie......Love, Mommy
- on February 25, 2008
I love the lighthouse.
- on February 25, 2008
Love your artwork
- on February 25, 2008
This snowflake is so you......
- on February 25, 2008
Great work Jessica!!! Love Mommy 000xxx000xxx
- on February 25, 2008
Jessie this is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen. You are doing a wonderful job, keep up the good work and I miss you bunches. Hope to see it in person soon!
- on February 25, 2008
Another talented artist from Plain Elementary!
- on February 25, 2008
thanks aunt debbie
- on February 25, 2008
thanks becc
- on February 25, 2008
Jessica: You've done an awesome job designing and decorating your butterfly!!! Thanks, Ms. Hazzard
- on May 16, 2007
jessie your art work is very pretty I love you and miss you very much. loveGrammaR xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- on May 5, 2007
Jessica.....Love your artwork......Love Mommy
- on April 29, 2007
Very nice Jessie......Love...Joey
- on April 29, 2007
Jessie.....Great Work...................Love..Emily
- on April 29, 2007
This is my favorite....It is so cool...............WOW
- on April 29, 2007
Jessica.....I love this picture.....Love...Mommy
- on April 29, 2007
Jessie.....Your artwork is great.....The butterfly is my favorite so far.....I love you.....Love, Mommy oooxxxooo
- on April 29, 2007
Wow, Jessie. Nice work. I love the claw grabbing the seahorse's tail. Very creative. Love you much, Aunt Debbie
- on April 27, 2007
Hi Jessica, Your work is beauitful. I love the seahorses and the starfish. I can't wait to see more. I miss you. Have fun making more pictures. Love and kisses, Aunt Cindy xxooxxoo
- on April 27, 2007
Jessica, You did a wonderful job on your artwork! I bet it will be worth a million dollars some day! Love, Becca
- on April 27, 2007