Loving the love monster! I hope the pilgrim with two teeth doesn't get jealous that the love monster has two more teeth than he has!!!!!
- Kim on February 19, 2020
Looks like a friendly owl...
- Rose on January 29, 2020
I just love your pumpkin patch....such talent!
- Rose on January 29, 2020
Handsome boy!
- Rose on January 29, 2020
You are a wonderful artist, Colton....such imagination, and I love your colors:~)!!
- Rose on January 29, 2020
Great artwork! Love the snowman, wish we were there to build one with you! Love you always, Grandpa
- Grandpa Bill on January 21, 2020
DUDE! This is snow awesome! (did you see what I did there?) I really like the moon and stars. As a matter of fact I love you to the Moon and back! Keep up the good work and I'll need to buy a bigger fridge to display it all. I love you like a runaway crazy Train
- Dak on January 21, 2020
Oh my goodness! I thought this was a picture your teacher took of you! I'd know you anywhere by this picture. Good job buddy. I love you more.
- Dak on January 21, 2020
Wow! What an awesome pumpkin patch! Good work Buddy. I love you!!
- Dak on November 13, 2019
Love your beautiful magic carpet! If you had a magic carpet, where would you have it take you?