Bennett2780's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Bennett2780's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this new artwork Bennett. It's cool to see the skyline. Is the KFC inspired by our spring break trip?
- Julie (Mother) on April 13, 2024
What a handsome guy! Good job on your self portrait. Love mom
- Julie (Mother) on January 24, 2024
This is the coolest way to write your name!
- Julie (Mother) on January 24, 2024
I love your use of contrasting colors in this Bennett.
- Julie (Mother) on January 24, 2024
I love your Picasso Bennett!
- Julie (Mother) on January 24, 2024
I love the snow and the realism
- Julie (Mother) on January 24, 2024
Love it
- Julie (Mother) on January 24, 2024
Bennett, I love the bright colors. Great details. I can taste the hot chocolate with marshmallows. Terrific job. Love you Grandma
- Karen on December 18, 2023
Hello Bennett. I am just amazed at your self portrait. Wow is it good. Love the colors and your facial expression. Love grandma
- Karen on February 15, 2023
Beautiful. I love the bright colors.
- Karen on May 25, 2022