Hallianne1's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Hallianne1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We love this. It reminds us of when we were scuba diving. And it is perfect with your shark mouse pad. You are a great artist. Please let us see more when you do some more projects. We love you
- Grandear and Granbup on June 15, 2022
Hallie. You are a great artist. This is marvelous and I know Mom is going to love it. We love you.
- Grandear and Granbup on June 15, 2022
I love this. You are a great artist. It is very colorful and I love the circles. I Love You
- Granbup on December 4, 2021
I love your Cat in the Hat artwork. You are an awesome artist, just like your MOM. You will have to teach me how to draw. I love you Grandbup. Grandear loves it too.
- William on July 17, 2020
Hallie Grandear and I love your artwork. You are a great artist. Please keep sending us your art. WE LOVE YOU
- William on April 28, 2020
Hallie, I absolutely adore this! I can’t wait for our be joyful shirts with this as the artwork! Thinking of the phrase, “Be joyful!”, is so creative and matches perfectly with your beautiful art piece.
- Kate (Mother) on October 2, 2019
Hallie. I love your art project. You are very creative and the art is beautiful. Keep up the good work.
- Grandbup on October 2, 2019