Hunter25384's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Hunter25384's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very creative. <3
- Christine (Mother) on April 1, 2020
Beautiful! I love it!
- Christine (Mother) on April 1, 2020
You are so creative with your choice of colors. Great job.
- Tia on April 1, 2020
WOW!!!! You are becoming a real artist. I really love this one.
- Tia on April 1, 2020
Love it Hunter. It made me smile.
- Mimi on February 19, 2020
Love this one. Great job.
- Tia on December 18, 2019
Great job Hunter, they look like my summer blackeye susans
- Tia on December 18, 2019
Hunter, You are becoming a real artist. Love this one especially the colors.
- Tia on December 18, 2019
This is beautiful Hunter. I can't wait to display it. Love you!
- Mom on December 11, 2019
I love the colors and your creativity. Keep up the great work and have fun.
- Christine (Mother) on November 27, 2019
Great job, Hunter. Love the colors and especially the background design.
- Tia on November 27, 2019
Great job Hunter
- on September 25, 2019
Great job Hunter! I love the colors.
- Christine (Mother) on September 20, 2019
Way to go Hunter, great artwork. Tia
- on September 20, 2019