Haze34's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Haze34's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love this!????
- Crystal on September 20, 2023
Love the way she uses colors and objects to make a beautiful picture!??
- Crystal on September 20, 2023
Nene loves all your art work
- Annie on June 1, 2023
Loving her color choices! Haze really does have a hand at art
- Melissa (Mother) on May 9, 2023
I love the fact that she has her own style when it comes to art. I know she loves it ?? Grandma C
- Crystal on May 20, 2023
Always surprising me with how well you do in art
- Melissa (Mother) on September 14, 2020
Always amazed at Hazes imagination and how she expresses it in her art work
- Melissa (Mother) on March 17, 2020