Ellalynn5's Comments (33)

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Below are comments about Ellalynn5's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your so talented Miss Ella. This is amazing !!! Good job honey !!!
- Pam on September 18, 2024 NEW
Good job on this miss ella. Love how the bananas look REAL !!!!!!
- Pam on April 10, 2024
Very nice miss ella !!!! You have so much talent for art !! Just love it !!!!
- Pam on March 16, 2024
Love it miss ella !!!!
- Pam on February 7, 2024
Love it miss ella !!!
- Grandma pam on January 31, 2024
You did a good job Miss Ella...
- Pam on May 18, 2023
Oh miss ella. You've been so busy lately...but just think... school is almost out honey !!!!
- Pam on May 18, 2023
This looks interesting Miss Ella... You will have to tell me about it ! Love you little girl !!!
- Pam on May 18, 2023
Very cool miss Ella !
- Pamela(fan) on May 18, 2023
Love it little girl !!!
- Pamela(fan) on May 18, 2023
Love this !!!!
- Pam on May 18, 2023
Wow little girl. Thays a great drawing !!
- Pam on May 18, 2023
How cute miss Ella...love the eye lashes !!!!
- Pam on January 25, 2023
Oh my gosh Miss Ella. This is great !! Good job honey !!!
- Pam on October 19, 2022
Oh wow miss ella. Thats really nice. Great work little girl. Love you !!
- Pam on October 19, 2022
Miss Ella ! I love it !!!!!!
- Pam on October 19, 2022
Very nice little girl !! Love you !!
- Pam on October 19, 2022
Oh my gosh Miss Ella. This is pretty awesome girly !!!
- Pam on February 9, 2022
Hummm....I wonder what she's thinking !!!
- Pamela on October 6, 2021
Such good work miss ella !! Love all of them !!
- Pamela on October 6, 2021
What a pretty flower miss ella !!!!
- Pam on October 6, 2021
Oh wow little girl. This is awesome !!!!
- Pam on October 6, 2021
Good job sweetie !!!!
- Pam on April 7, 2021
Wow miss Ella...very nice !!!!
- Pamela on April 7, 2021
Very nice miss Ella...you know how to really draw !!!
- Pamela on April 7, 2021
Wjoop whoop little girl !!!!
- Pam on February 17, 2021
Wow !! This is really good ! Love the snow men !!
- Pam on February 17, 2021
Oh my gosh Miss Ella...this is really good !!!!!love it. And I love you !
- Pam on February 17, 2021
Ella i love this!! You did a great job tootz
- Stephanie (Mother) on December 22, 2020
Oh miss Ella that's very nice !!! Love you !!!
- Pam on May 1, 2020
Ella i love the colors your chose for this. You did a great job.
- Stephanie (Mother) on February 11, 2020
Ella, this is neat that you made the snowman different colors to show a shadow. They look awesome. Hopefully we get enough snow we can make some that look just like this!! Good job Tootz
- Stephanie (Mother) on November 20, 2019
Ella, I love this. You worked so hard on this and it shows. I love the snow on the roof made with cotton balls. You did a fantastic job. Love you
- Stephanie (Mother) on November 20, 2019