Mathew46141's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Mathew46141's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this so much buddy!
- Kara (Mother) on March 5, 2024
Love this buddy!
- Kara (Mother) on November 21, 2023
Great job buddy!!!!!
- Kara (Mother) on December 14, 2021
Great job Mathew!!
- Kara (Mother) on April 28, 2021
One of my favorites
- Kara on March 5, 2024
I love this so cool
- Kara on March 5, 2024
This is so cool. You did a great job. I am so impressed with what you did with your hands. You can do anything that you set your mind to
- Kara on March 5, 2024
This is such a cool painting buddy! I love it
- Kara on March 5, 2024
Love it
- Kara (Mother) on March 4, 2020
I am so proud of you. This is a beautiful picture. Mama loves it, and I love you too
- Kara on January 8, 2020