Emily51918's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Emily51918's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Emily. I love the colors you chose for your picture. The rustic scene reminds me of Canada where we went fishing years ago. It probably is a quiet and secluded spot where one could find solitude. We all need a place like you have just created! I am so proud of your art piece. Keep up the great work! Love, Moppy
- Janie(fan) on March 27, 2024
Hi Emily! Inspiration has been a big purpose of my teaching career. If we can inspire or motivate one another to make good use of one’s life or become passionate about a cause, then, we are moving this world in a positive direction. Love you, Moppy
- Janie(fan) on March 27, 2024
Hi Emily! I just saw your beautiful and might I say colorful art piece. How well your lines are drawn to show three dimensions! The colors work so well together. Your jovial gourds are calling for marvelous fall days and bountiful harvests! Love you! Moppy
- Janie(fan) on December 6, 2023
Hi Emily! I love your colorful heart. It has a delightful rhythm to its pattern. The colors you chose warm my heart just like your beautiful smile! Thank you for sharing your artwork with me. Love, Moppy
- Janie(fan) on May 10, 2023
Emily, Papa and I love your pumpkin picture! The bright colors look so pretty! You did a great job! We can’t wait to see what you draw next! We love you
- Teresa on December 14, 2022
Hi Emily! Your piece of art fascinates me. As we ponder and construe what comes to mind is our trip to a Fantasyland. It is here where all objects are movin’ and a groovin’ ! It is definitely some place We would enjoy some social time. The colors you chose are so attractive and the objects you made would definitely be fun toys to play with our friends. Thank you for sharing your beautiful picture with us. Love, Moppy and Papa Dale
- Janie on December 14, 2022
Hi Emily! What a fun art piece! We are enjoying all your projects! Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent! Love Papa Dale and Moppy ????
- Janie(fan) on November 2, 2022
Hi Emily! We love your pumpkin patch! What a great job you did drawing them! Pretty sky too! Keep up the good work!! Love, Moppy and Papa Dale
- Janie(fan) on November 2, 2022
Hi Emily! I was elated to get the picture of your owl! And a wise owl I am sure she is! She appears to have an intellectual and intelligent look. She not only is a smart owl, she appears to be a beautiful and kind owl, so knowledgeable about the needs of others. I loved the colors you used and the way you painted her. You made her look so real. Emily, keep caring about your art. You are growing and stretching your abilities on each project. I am so proud of you!!!!! ????Moppy ( Janie)
- Janie on December 16, 2021
Hi Emmie!! I love your pictures of the leaves!! I like them EVEN MORE than Moppy does! You’re doing great work in art class and I’m very proud of you! I can’t wait to see what you make next. Love, Dad
- Dad on December 7, 2021
Hi Emily! Your Fall Leaves project is beautiful. The colors you chose are vibrant and contrast nicely with your dark background. You did a nice job picking out the colors and painting them. Emily, you work so hard and your art pieces reflect your effort and thoughtfulness. I am so proud of you!! Love, Moppy (Janie)
- Janie on November 17, 2021
Dear Emily, You drew my favorite beverage!! Your illustration is dear to my heart! I liked “Coffee is love”! Yes it is!! The hearts and flowers on your cup are very appealing and cute. Your coffee ?? is still warm because you have steam flowing out of it. The purple color of your saucer is a beautiful compliment to the color of your cup. Thank you for sharing your art piece with Papa Dale and me. You worked hard on it! Love, Moppy ( Janie)
- Janie on April 7, 2021
So proud of you!! Moppy
- Janie on February 17, 2021
Emily, we love your heart because it reminds us of how much each of us love our family members. You make Papa Dale an I feel so appreciated and wanted. Thank you! Moppy
- Janie Morckel on February 17, 2021
Dear Emmie, We dearly love your bird. It looks like a creature from Star Wars! Those eyes are piercing!! We liked the colors you chose too. The beads are a cool addition! What a lot of time and effort you put into your project. We are so pleased that you try so hard to do a nice job! Moppy ( Janie)
- Janie on March 18, 2020
Dear Emmie, Papa Dale and I loved your art project. We liked the colors you chose and how you used black to make your design. You work so hard and always try to do your best. We are very proud of you! Live, Papa Dale and Moppy( Janie
- Janie on December 18, 2019
Dear Emmie, Papa Dale and I loved your art project. We liked the colors you chose and how you used black to make your design. You work so hard and always try to do your best. We are very proud of you! Live, Papa Dale and Moppy( Janie
- Janie on December 18, 2019
Dear Emmie, Papa and I enjoyed looking at your picture. That looked difficult to draw and color and you did a very nice job. You are a hard worker, Emmie and take pride in your work! Keep up the great job!! Love Papa Dale and Moppy ( Janie)
- Janie on December 10, 2019
Dear Emmie, We loved the puppet that you created. You gave it a magnetic personality, just like yours. Thank you for sharing your art piece with us. We smile whenever we think of you! Keep working hard in art class and using creativity. Love Papa Dale and Moppy (Janie)
- Janie on November 6, 2019
Dear Emmie, Papa and I love your “ When I am angry “ picture. It displays a lot of emotion and feeling. You worked very hard to show your audience this feeling. Your colors intensified that feeling. Please keep working diligently in school. Look at what you can do!!! We are proud of you! Love, Moppy ( Janie)
- Janie on October 22, 2019
Dear Emmie, Papa Dale and I enjoyed seeing the variety of limes you made using different kinds of art supplies. It looks like you enjoyed your art class and tried very hard to do a nice job. We hope you enjoy your week! Love, Papa Dale and Moppy Janie
- Janie on October 2, 2019