Great job on your selfie stick! Wonderful lettering! Nice fading!!
- PopPop and Mimi on February 24, 2025
Your artwork is very creative and colorful Your artwork is very creative and colorful. Keep up the great work. Love, PopPop and Mimi 111
- Jeanne And Anthony on November 23, 2022
You are a star in our eyes for sure!! Love it!!!
- PopPop and Mimi on November 2, 2022
We love your colorful fish!!! Love, PopPop and Mimi
- Jeanne And Anthony on June 9, 2022
The sailboat looks awesome but the seascape and skyscape both look like they were painted by someone in his teens or twenties. Amazing work for an elementary school student, Love it!
- Nana & Papa on June 9, 2022
We really LOVE these fish. What you did with their eyes is especially amazing. You brought four beautiful fish to life! Great Job, Colton!
- Nana & Papa on June 9, 2022
Great job Colton on your folk art. Your lucky to be able to try all different types of projects. Love, PopPop and Mimi
- Jeanne And Anthony on February 23, 2022
Colton, your initial is so well and neatly proportioned. The stitches are so evenly spaced and sized. Great job!!!
- Love, PopPop and Mimi on February 9, 2022
Colton, your seascape is beautiful. I love it!!! Great work!!! Love, PopPop and Mimi
- Jeanne And Anthony on October 20, 2021
Colton, we love your cats!!! We can hear them saying,"Meow".
- Jeanne And Anthony on June 9, 2021
Great job, Colton on your tiger!!! I can imagine a big roar coming from him!!! Love, PopPop and Mimi
- PopPop and Mimi on April 22, 2021
Dear Colton, We love your Lego Person Print. Keep up the good work. Love, Mimi and PopPop
- Mimi and PopPop on February 24, 2021
Colton... This work was so amazing that we chose it to use on a special gift for you. We are so proud of you and can't believe the skill you show as an artist who is only 7 years old. We love it! Nana & Papa <3
- LINDA on December 24, 2020
Colton, we love your blue dog sitting on the chair. Great job!! Love, Mimi and PopPop
- Mimi and PopPop on November 11, 2020
Colton... That is a Really Cool Cat! We can't believe that 2nd grader... or even a 4th grader... can draw something with such amazing skill. Love it! Nana & Papa
- Nana & Papa on January 30, 2020
Your Fantasticat is awesome. The colors are beautiful!!! Love, Mimi and PopPop
- Mimi and PopPop on January 30, 2020
Dear Colton, We like your Owl Weaving very much. It looks like it was a lot of work, done in different stages. Love, PopPop and Mimi
- Jeanne and Anthony on January 15, 2020
Dear Colton, What an amazing and talented artist you are! We can't even believe that this was created by a FIRST GRADER! Great colors... great imagination... great use of geometric shapes in the face. We love it (and you too)!!! Nana & Papa
- Nana And Papa on November 20, 2019
Dear Colton, We love your abstract portrait. You did a wonderful job. Paul Klee would be proud of you. Love, Mimi and Pop Pop