hey, looks like i'm coming late to the art party. was this a late-in-the-year project? this immediately strikes me as what a "blah bleh bleh" might look like. you have an awesome imagination and a good eye for composition! marto ps: the meadow is on fire. -- marty
- on July 29, 2012
boppa oom mow mow boppa oom mow mow mow. b b b bird bird bird. bird is the word. if i was a peacock... i would want THOSE cool feathers. just sayin'... m-o -- mart
- on July 8, 2012
Cool Birdie! I love how you did the Shading on that. -- Auntie Sandy
- on July 8, 2012
Hey Kev, This painting is soooo mysterious and captivating! -- Auntie Sandy
- on July 8, 2012
Love the color and geometric design on this one. -- Auntie Sandy
- on July 8, 2012
dudecycle, i like how each quadrant is like it's own abstract image. cool. way cool. like chilly. not chili, but chilly. as in cold. freezing, icy, frigid. which is not to say that it's not hot, because it certainly is hot. but in a very cool way. like a very cool hotness. -- marto
- on July 8, 2012
Hey Kevin that is awesome. Did you do that on the computer? -- Auntie Sandy
- on July 8, 2012
a LOVE BIRD....????? i LOVE it...!!! kinda chicken-y, too. tweet tweet cluck cluck. nice work! -- Nee
- on July 8, 2012
just in time for Valentine's day... the proverbial "LOVE CHICKEN". maybe you've heard of them? i'm every bit impressed with your life drawings as I am with your abstract work. although, i think a "LOVE CHICKEN" is still fairly abstract. wouldn' you agree? m-o -- marto
- on July 8, 2012
cool dude, as always. i like how each square is like it's own composition. you rock, m-o -- marty
- on July 8, 2012
Wow Kev, that is totally cool. It is so modern looking! Love it! -- Auntie Sandy
- on July 8, 2012
Wow Kev that is so bold and colorful. Very Awesome! -- Auntie
- on July 8, 2012
hey kev, i like the composition and the color combinations. so, my subjective opinion of this non objective project is ... i like it. although i am non objective when it comes to you cuz... YOU DA MAN!!! the K-man, that is. martO -- marty
- on July 8, 2012
Kev that is really colorful and almost looks like there is a face in it. I really like the color combination. -- Auntie Sandy
- on July 8, 2012
Hey Kev, This little guy you made is really cool. It almost comes to life! -- Auntie Sandy
- on July 8, 2012
Cool Kevin! Can I use that app to erase anything I want? Like yesterday! That would be a cool feature. LOL! -- Auntie Sandy
- on November 17, 2011
ewwwww.....your nose has eyes and your mouth is an eyeball. creeeeeeepy..... good job! -- Nee
- on October 5, 2011
creepy... yet cute too! Love it! -- Mom
- on October 5, 2011
pretty cool stuff. but you better wash your face before dinner. your mom will never let you sit at the table looking like that. -- mart-o
- on October 4, 2011
Kevin that is so cool! You have to tell us how you did it! It is just in time for Halloween! Love ya, -- Auntie Sandy
- on October 4, 2011
kev, YOU rock. or, was this a study of juxtaposition in composition, and you CORK? you CORK dude! no one CORK's as hard as you do. i've always said that about you. the hardest CORKin' kid at brunswick acres school. TOTALLY CORKin'!!! CORK ON GIBBY!!!!! -- Mart-o
- on March 20, 2011
Wow Kev, That so awesome! -- Sandy
- on March 11, 2011
hey kev! cool symmetry. looks like the original "clip" may have been your arm in a sleeve. did that hurt much? picasso gave an ear, big deal, who paints with an ear? but an arm!!! THAT'S dedication and sacrifice. hope your mom's not too mad. and thinking about it, you may have given dana an advantage at karate. she already has those long legs, and now you're one armed... maybe aunt sandy could sew it back on for you. did you know symmetry often appears in nature, like with flowers and plants, and like how exactly both halves of my belly are ENORMOUS? -- mart-o
- on March 11, 2011
chaaarrrlliieeeeeee... we're from the future...pretty cool. i like the zeppelin. but... are you "sure it's real"? -- mart-o
- on February 28, 2011
KEV that picture is so surreal man! You'll have to tell me about it. Love, Auntie Sandy -- Sandy
- on February 24, 2011
This picture is so cool and glowy! It looks like if you look up into the night sky it should be there. -- Auntie Sandy
- on February 5, 2011
kev-o, another masterpiece. i like the way the chalk kind of explodes into little bits across the black background. makes it look like a starry night. hmmmm. i like that title "starry night"... could be worth millions one day... mart-o -- marty
- on February 5, 2011
Hey Kev that is really different. Cool creature! Love ya, Auntie Sandy -- Sandy
- on February 5, 2011
kev, that kid in the orange shirt does, maybe, look a just little weird, but... different IS good. otherwise, i think you did a fine job capturing my good looks. and i look great in blue. Thanks! only thing is, my hair isn't quite that blonde. just sayin'. mart-o -- marty
- on February 5, 2011
hey gibby, just opening the mail and ... WOW that is pretty cool! maybe you should have your own show at the princeton university art museum, huh? -- mart-o
- on January 11, 2011
Gibby! It looks awesome... whatever "it" is :) -- Dana
- on January 11, 2011
Hi Kevin, That is the coolest thing I have ever seen. You'll have to give a commentary on it. Love, Auntie Sandy
- on January 8, 2011
AAAAAHHHHHGGGGGG!!!!!!! I mean, good job Kev? He's good and he's scary and his hair looks like Mart's in the morning. And if i look at it a certain way, like hide the left side... then you can even see a Frankenstein looking kid.... see him??? With an eyeball looking up and a short, stubby nose and his mouth open...??? More AAAAAHHHHHHGGGGG...!!! You're awesome keep up the good work! LY! PS even scarrier...the Frankenstein kid is on the right, too.... Triple AAAAAAHHHHHHHGGGGGGG....!!!!! -- Nee
Kevin this is sooo cooool! He's a scary dude but I like him! -- Aunt Sandy
- on October 1, 2010
kevin,keep this up and you will be a great artist.Your artwork is cool,nice and big. -- pratik
- on April 15, 2010
Hi Kevin, This so cool. You'll have to tell me all about it. Is it you really, really, Happy? Love ya, Aunt Sandy -- Auntie Sandy
- on April 1, 2010
That looks awesome KEV! Is that you dancing? Again? Just Kidding. Great job :) From Smarhty -- Dana
- on April 1, 2010
we love it! crazy motion and colors! quite gallery worthy. we're calling it the "monkey dancer". leave it to nee to work in a "dave" reference... sometimes she can't see the tree of bruce through the dave forest. -- marty
- on April 1, 2010
no way! i love love love this one... love the colors and the shapes. it makes me feel happy! what an excellent way to wake up on a dreary morning. keep up the good work! big KOTH! -- Nee
- on April 1, 2010
hey picasso, nice work, as usual. awesome colors and composition. very festive, very cool. m-o
- on December 18, 2009
Awesome Kev!!! So, is it a face or a vase???? I noticed the mouths are wide open.... it's two of you! Talking and eating!!!
- on December 18, 2009
OMG !!!!! That is soooo cool !!!!!! I love the colors ......
- on December 17, 2009
hey kev, great art work! plus if you squint your eyes it almost looks like an alien. :-) keep up the good work! LBY and KOTH..... NEE
- on November 3, 2009
That is a really awesome, cool picture. You'll have to tell me about it. I'll be getting a tile of this one.... Love ya, Auntie Sandy
- on November 3, 2009
outstanding! nice balance in this composition. mart-o ps: the museum of modern art called... they want their picture back.
- on November 2, 2009
hey kev! nice composition! paul cezanne is one of my favorite post-impressionists and apples are one of my favorite fruits and YOU are one of my favorite kids!!! certainly, my best jeopardy partner and the foremost jonas brothers expert :-p mart-o
- on March 26, 2009
Hi Kevin, Love the new art work!!!! It's sooo cool!!! I gotta get a tile of it Auntie Sandy
- on March 20, 2009
Great Job Kev! Now I'm hungry! Dana
- on March 15, 2009
Don't let the colors hurt me!
- on January 27, 2008
Kevin, I love your new art work and the name is cool too....Attach of the color.....I can't wait to add it to my collection.... Love ya, Auntie Sandy
- on January 26, 2008
Kevin- Congratulations!!!! I noticed that you are the first person in our school to have earned the Hall of Fame Award. Way to go! I especially like looking at the house drawing you made. It's very funky. I am very proud of you for your achievements in art. Ms. Tiedemann
- on January 21, 2008
a post-modern masterpiece. a marvel to behold. a sumptuous feast for the eyes. you're an amazing artist. i bet this would look incredible on mom's new fridge!!! marty
- on January 21, 2008
Kevin, your dinosaur egg looks great!
- on January 19, 2008
AAAAHHHHH! The colors are attacking me! Help! Save me! A+
- on January 19, 2008
Great Job! Now all you have to do is come to art school... in the basement!
- on January 19, 2008
Kevin Is that a round sponge bob square pants ? Great job, keep them comming. Gramma and DJ
- on January 19, 2008
I like your zig-zags and splashes of orange. The black lines almost look like a "K"! hmmmm..... love it! love you! NEE
- on January 18, 2008
Hey! That looks like a germ I have stuck to my fridge! Nice Job, Kev.... I'm actually afraid of it! Keep up the good work! ps LOVE the purple teeth....
- on January 18, 2008
KEV, You are so creative...I love your scary germ!