Ashton8818's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Ashton8818's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a great drawing. It has a lot of detail and a few hearts to make it special. I love the color combination too. The white outline of the glass makes it stand out. Nice job!!
- Madonna on June 8, 2023
Beautiful work, Ashton. You must have taken good care of this plant to have it grow and bloom like it has.
- Grandma Madge on June 8, 2023
Very interesting artwork, Ashton. Lots of ants looking for a treat. Looks like they found it. Great job.
- Madonna on June 30, 2021
They are such cute bugs, Ashton. Great job on your lady bugs. Dad.
- Ted (Father) on October 30, 2019
Ashton - This is beautiful! I love this.
- Sheri (Mother) on October 29, 2019