Alexander27786's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Alexander27786's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Alex, This is wonderful. I love all the colors you used, including the sparkles and all of the movement you created. I want to be looking outside from one of those windows wishing on one of those stars right now! Keep up the truly awesome work! Love, Mommy
- Lisa (Mother) on February 22, 2022
This is so much fun! I love how it feels like you’re a little kid looking up at a huge snowman who is larger than life. Reminds me of that one snowstorm a few years ago when we made snowmen who were taller than me and about twice your height at the time. The sky behind him is super cool too. Maybe it’s an awesome sunset after a whole day playing in the snow. Great job Alex!! Love, Mommy
- Lisa (Mother) on February 22, 2022
If you look at this one in one direction it could be streams of light coming down, but if you flip it the other way it could be layers of crystals naturally formed by forces of nature. Great job! Love, Mommy
- Lisa (Mother) on December 2, 2021
This one makes me smile and reminds me that there's love floating all over the world. Great job! Love, Mommy
- Lisa (Mother) on December 2, 2021
I really like all of the colors you used. Makes me think of hidden portals, microscopic cells and vibrant solar systems all at once. Great job Alex!!! Love, Mommy
- Lisa (Mother) on December 2, 2021
We love it. Beautiful use of colors!
- Michael (Father) on January 29, 2020