Avery17556's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Avery17556's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh Avery...I SEE you in this portrait, especially in those lovely, thoughtful eyes of yours!!! You've captured your own likeness very well. :-)
- Grammie on November 6, 2024
Oh Aves--best playground EVER!!! I confess I've never tried one of those rope "things that you climb up" -- but now I really want to. :-) YOU can do the Wobbly Bridge! XXXOOO
- --Grammie on November 6, 2024
Oh, Avery, what a beautiful sight! You know I would love to be out at night when the moon and stars are as bright as this, and the sky so blue.... And oh, those red waves! Mr. Lichtenstein would LOVE it, these are all his favorite colors!!! Good work, dearest Ave! :-)
- Grammie on March 11, 2020
OH, Ave, what a luscious Snow Day this is!!! Such fluffy snow on the ground -- and still so much more falling from the sky!! It's a day when I'd be glad to have that big warm sun lighting everything up. :-) (Tell me how you did those bare winter trees, with their very straight branches!?!) XO
- Grammie on March 4, 2020
Avery Your picture is beautiful! Love all the colors you used. Love Mimi
- Lynn on March 4, 2020