Sebastian, your still life is lovely. I especially liked the bending flowers and the windows that are small to show perspective. I ordered a copy of your drawing to hang in your room.
- Grandma on February 7, 2025
Sebastian, I love your self portrait. It reminds me of Picasso in embryo! I also saw how you were inspired by Kristen Woollery's art. Keep up the creative work.
- Grandma on October 30, 2023
Sebastian, I like your choice of colors in this drawing. They are beautiful. I look forward to hearing the story that this picture is about.
- Grandma on April 26, 2023
Sebastian, I love your use of bright colors. You are the kind of artist that people call "impressionist!" I call it terrific!
- Grandma on January 29, 2020
I love your great art! Keep it up. Daddy
- Steve on January 22, 2020
Love it!!!
- Shelley on December 11, 2019
What an unbelievably imaginative impressionist!! Sebastian's work is beautiful.