This is awesome Claire! Reminds me of Beetlejuice! You're so talented!! Love you!
- Chelsea on February 5, 2025
I love this pumpkin! Does it remind of you of the time you and Badda grew pumpkins?
- Chelsea on May 9, 2023
I love this so much Claire!!! Santa seems a little stuck?? Lol love you
- Chelsea on December 14, 2022
You have such talent, wonderful job on this picture. Love you my dear.
- Manna on May 18, 2022
Your picture inspired by seascapes is just wonderful. The colors of the sun, the fish, and the sea are beautiful.
- Dana-Mana on February 2, 2022
Your picture inspired by seascapes is just wonderful. The colors of the sun, the fish, and the sea are beautiful.
- Dana-Mana on February 16, 2022
This is such and great painting Claire! I love all the blues pinks and purples. The textures are really awesome too!! I love you!
- Chelsea on January 26, 2022
Claire is becoming such an amazing artist. The colors she always uses are perfect. Thank you Claire, for all you beautiful artwork. Love you "From Manna
- Dana on November 10, 2021
all of the artwork has great color grouping
- Larry on March 10, 2021
love background, snowman and the colors in hat and scarf. great job on the color patterns in hat and scarf
- Larry on March 10, 2021
claire that is such a good house. what a good idea xoxo
- Larry on May 13, 2020
This is so creative and beautiful! I would love a copy of this!! You amaze me everday Claire! ? auntie Chelsea!
- Chelsea on February 12, 2020
Claire, Manna just loves your beautiful hearts. The colors are wonderful. Love you
- Dana on January 29, 2020
i love how all those colors go together. very pretty
- Larry on January 22, 2020
The shapes and colors are wonderful my dear.
- Dana on December 18, 2019
I love your colorful mittens.
- Dana on December 18, 2019
Claire, your art work is just beautiful, it is so nice I am able to see how creative you have become. I love you sweetheart. this is from Manna
- Dana on December 18, 2019
Claire, I love all the beautiful colors you used in this picture. From Manna
- on October 8, 2019
Claire your color wheel is just wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing more of your art work. Love you, From Manna