Sam13189's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Sam13189's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow, cool looking house Sammy! When can I move in? Awesome artwork, you did a great job!
- Alan(Tatta) on March 6, 2024
The artist has used a color palette of orange and white with a complimentary pink-ish and blues coloring in the sky and ground. The roundness of the fox creates a sense of motion as the lines flow into each other giving the impression that the fox can come alive at any moment. A true rival to any DaVinci masterpiece!
- Michelle on February 1, 2023
Sam this fox looks amazing! Great job!!
- Sharon (Mother) on January 24, 2023
Love this Panda Sammy! Great work
- Alisha on December 1, 2021
I believe this work of art to be pleasing because of its use of colour and texture to capture the realistic attributes of the ferocious brown bear. It makes the viewer feel as if this magnificent being exists in the room with them which is why this work would be a successful piece.
- Michelle on November 24, 2021
Such a magnificent piece! The sheer precision of the lines. The positioning of the sun. The way the colors flow so effortlessly into each other. This is a fine piece indeed! Well done Sammy
- Michelle on January 9, 2020