Amelia10194's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Amelia10194's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Far Out AA! love the stars and how the colors blend :)
- Susan (Mother) on March 6, 2020
Amelia Anne, I love this "out of this world" art. Did you blast off into space? Your colors blend together so well and the sun and stars are glowing!
- GiGi on March 6, 2020
AA, I love seeing your art work. This is my favorite so far! It’s so dramatic!
- M on January 8, 2020
Love your nutcracker! The perspective is so cool!
- Susan (Mother) on January 4, 2020
This is so cool! I love that you are learning about the Northern Lights and creating artwork about it.
- Susan (Mother) on November 27, 2019
Amelia Anne, I love the way you combined numbers with letters in your name. You used lots of pretty colors, too.
- GiGi on November 27, 2019
Dear Amelia Anne, I am very proud of your art. Love, Grandpa
- Sam on November 27, 2019
Such a cool mask! I love all the different colors and designs.
- Susan (Mother) on November 6, 2019