Anna23183's Comments (44)

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Below are comments about Anna23183's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- Grandma S on March 6, 2025 NEW
Love your cozy kitty, waiting for Christmas. Keep drawing!
- Grandma B on November 27, 2024
Your drawing shows activity in the barn. Looks like everyone is getting along well!
- Grandma B on January 15, 2024
Anna agreed that the web looked better without the spider and removed it so she could play with it!
- Rebekah (Mother) on November 13, 2023
They look cuter in real life!
- Rebekah (Mother) on November 13, 2023
Pretty creepy. :)
- Grandma B on November 13, 2023
I could do without the spider, but it is a nice design. Did you spray the color on?
- Grandma B on November 13, 2023
Wow! That’s awesome! I could see someone wanting that on their wall, especially a giant print of it. You will have to show me how you did that.
- Grandma B on October 19, 2023
Cute little owl! Like its eyes!
- Grandma S on June 26, 2023
Good job! Working with colored glaze is tricky. I think it takes some practice to figure out what it will look like after it is fired. What a good art teacher, to have you experience this art form at your age! I had to wait until high school!
- Grandma B on June 26, 2023
I’m not sure if this is a new type of creature or a fancy cactus! :)
- Grandma B on May 11, 2023
If that pattern was repeated over and over again, it would make a nice plaid blanket or rug!
- Grandma B on May 11, 2023
Great job on your fish! He looks like an old grandpa fish, slow moving and with a deep voice. The way you drew him, I can imagine him moving and talking!
- Grandma B on March 15, 2023
Your aliens are very cheerful looking with their bright, attractive colors! The background colors you chose for each one are good choices, accentuating each alien well. Great job!
- Grandma B on May 25, 2022
Cool! Great job
- Grandma S on May 25, 2022
I love your sparkly snowflake. The colors are so pretty and are blended perfectly! This picture needs a frame so it could decorate your house in winter! Wonderful job.
- Grandma B on February 10, 2022
Modern art wrapping paper!
- Grandma B on December 29, 2021
Nice shading on your pumpkin! I especially like the sky.
- Grandma B on December 29, 2021
He’s standing on a branch, isn’t he? (Not hanging off the side) They posted your picture the wrong way! It looks great when I look at it as a landscape picture. Good job!
- Grandma B on December 15, 2021
It DOES look like a friendly and happy bat!
- Grandma B on December 4, 2021
Fruit that is waiting to be eaten
- Grandpa H on January 21, 2021
It’s not Bluey or Pinky, but a beautiful verde spotted one.
- Grandpa H on January 21, 2021
What a pig! What a happy pig playing in the mud!
- Grandpa H on January 21, 2021
I certainly love you too!
- Grandpa H on January 21, 2021
The planets are beautiful!
- Grandpa H on January 21, 2021
It looks like a yummy gingerbread house with M&M’s on the door, and lots of fluffy white frosting!
- Grandma B on January 8, 2021
Love your planets! Good job!
- Grandma on January 8, 2021
I like it!
- Grandma B on December 17, 2020
I like that last artwork Anna!
- Grandpa G on December 17, 2020
Oooh! What’s for dinner?
- Grandma B on December 4, 2020
Love your creative!
- Grandma S on November 5, 2020
I like your balance of color on each side of the center. Nice coloring job too!
- Grandma B on November 5, 2020
Those are some ferocious looking teeth! Good job drawing a lion. The different lines(straight and zigzag) make the mane look nice and full.
- Grandma B on October 13, 2020
I love your new picture! Great job
- Grandma S on October 13, 2020
I really like your color choices! Nice job!
- Grandma B on October 13, 2020
Great imagination! I never thought about hanging from a Q-tip! :D
- Grandma B on September 20, 2020
I love your squirrel and all the colors!
- Lisa on June 11, 2020
What a great drawing for someone your age! Many wonderful details. Super job!
- Grandma B on May 13, 2020
Nice job making an egg shape with things from nature! You chose a nice combination of greens and pink. Placing the pink on the ends defines the egg’s oval shape! Great job.
- Grandma B on May 6, 2020
Great choices of colored items to make this color wheel!
- Grandma B on April 14, 2020
Great job, showing a lot of texture on your birds! Very nice!
- Grandma B on April 14, 2020
This piece is really nice. The black grounds the picture and creates depth, and makes the other colors stand out. Great job! One of my favorites.
- Grandma B on April 1, 2020
What a pretty spring day! Great job. Keep creating art!
- Grandma B on April 1, 2020
I love your color choices and the way darker colored yarns could separate the colors and give texture to the hat. Great design!
- Grandma B on March 20, 2020