Gerik14's Comments (64)

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Below are comments about Gerik14's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is outstanding, Gerik! Sure looks like you are channeling your inner Bob Ross very nicely!
- Grandma Susan on December 25, 2024
Gerik I keep being amazed at what a good artist you are. You are really understanding perspective and blending colors. This is a beautiful painting. I hope you will keep taking art in school.
- Becky on December 25, 2024
Gerik I am anxious to see your bamboo up close. Its looks like watercolor. Since I gave you watercolors last summer maybe you could show me how you did this. It would be fun. Nice job.
- Grandma B on November 27, 2024
Gerik, I really like your bamboo artwork! Bamboo has always intrigued me, and I even have some examples in home our furniture and art. Nice work, Gerik!
- Grandma Susan on November 20, 2024
Nice work, Gerik! Did you know Dr. Pepper is Grandpa Ken's favorite soda? I really like all your symbols - especially those used for mountain biking!
- Grandma Susan on October 30, 2024
Awesome Gerik, I like the mountain bike spot!
- Kristofor(fan) on October 23, 2024
Gerik this is beautiful. It makes me think of so many things. Space or like I'm standing in a cathedral looking up and seeing stars and sky. You are such a good artist.
- Grandma B on October 9, 2024
Ooooooh, that really IS a "Smiley Boy!" Watercolors have always seemed tricky to me - so easy to get too pale. But you created something fairly bright, with lots of shades of green and orange. Way to go, Gerik! Nice work!
- Grandma Susan on May 15, 2024
Those are the coolest shoes. I see one has rainbow colors. I would have a hard time picking which one to wear!
- Grandma B on May 1, 2024
I think I would like to put that sunflower in my garden. Maybe you could tell me how you made it when I see you.
- Grandma B on May 1, 2024
This sunflower is beautiful, Gerik! Great-Grandma Joy absolutely LOVES sunflowers, so I will be sure to show her your latest creation! Awesome work!
- Grandma Susan on April 24, 2024
Wow! I really liked your fish movie. Especially the little spin he makes and then gets a reward. Good for you!
- Becky on March 20, 2024
This is the best, Gerik! It must have been loads of fun to put your artwork into motion! I love the clever way he gets fed!
- Grandma Susan on March 13, 2024
What a neat project, Gerik! I see what could be a cross between a wrench, dinosaur head, toothless monster, angry Charlie Brown or ??? Very interesting regardless!
- Grandma Susan on March 6, 2024
Nice work, Gerik! I really like the coloring - soft aqua blue-green is so calming. That kaleidoscope effect is very cool! What an interesting idea to combine two images.
- Grandma Susan on February 28, 2024
I "sea" your seal, Gerik - very nice! I especially like that he's swimming amongst the seaweed, and not just between two clumps, or not just in front of or behind a clump. And he looks like a happy seal, too! Great work!
- Grandma Susan on February 14, 2024
How do you think the other butterflies feel about the one with all the colors? I like the little dotted lines to show how they fly. You know, I think this would make very nice wallpaper. Imagine a whole wall with a little brightly colored butterfly here and there. It would be beautiful.
- Grandma B on December 6, 2023
This one makes me go cross-eyed.
- Grandma B on December 6, 2023
I really like the colors in this one. I would like you to tell me what the assignment was and how you did it.
- Grandma B on December 6, 2023
Gerik, when I look at all your art works I have noticed they are all very colorful. They are so cheerful. Even the scary ones. They make me happy!
- Grandma B on December 6, 2023
I'm glad you showed me this when we saw you. It was interesting to hear you tell me about how you made the birch bark. It certainly makes the trees look real. You are such a good artist.
- Grandma B on December 6, 2023
Gerik; This is a great early Winter picture. I love the low sun and long shadows. The color of the sky reminds me of the look just before sunset. I get chilly staring at it. Great job. G’pa Ken
- Grandpa Ken on November 29, 2023
Gerik, this is just beautiful! It is so realistic - reminds me of the big birch tree in your front yard. Great shadow work and the bark is very life-like! Great work!
- Grandma Susan on November 29, 2023
Well, well, well... I bet the new "Monsters, Inc." movies will surely include one of these! I really like the bold color choices and of course all those menacing teeth!
- Grandma Susan on November 8, 2023
I really like the eyes in the hills.
- Grandma B on November 8, 2023
How did you know what all those things look like in silouette? You have one great imagination!
- Grandma B on November 8, 2023
This is beautiful. I'd like to know how you made it.
- Grandma B on November 8, 2023
I think your monsters are more scary in color. Yikes! I think Grandpa Larry may have one in his new shrimp acquarium.
- Grandma B on November 8, 2023
What a clever design for our clever Gerik! The green you chose must stand for Gerik is Great, Gregarious and Groovy!
- Grandma Susan on September 27, 2023
Gerik, your heart is very original and unique. I like the color you chose and all the creative designs. Great work, Gerik!
- Susan(fan) on March 23, 2022
This adorable cat looks a lot more colorful than your own three cats at home. Even with all the lovely colors and designs, I can still see the similarities with your Ron, Fred and George! Nicely done, Gerik!
- Susan(fan) on March 23, 2022
What a fun way to display your name - so many different designs and patterns. Love the look, Gerik!
- Susan(fan) on March 23, 2022
Such a colorful weaving project - I bet it was fun to learn how much work it takes to weave cloth, huh? Great work, Gerik!
- Susan(fan) on March 23, 2022
Your clay pumpkin is so-o-o realistic looking! Nicely done, Gerik!
- Susan(fan) on March 23, 2022
It was very nice to see your picture at the school Art Show. These colorful valentine hearts almost appear to be beating! Love it!
- Susan(fan) on March 23, 2022
This cupcake looks good enough to eat! Was it created for your birthday treat?
- Grandma Susan on June 17, 2021
I bet your hands have really grown a lot in the past year, Gerik. Very nice and neat cutting for a Kindergartener!
- Grandma Susan on June 17, 2021
There's nothing stinky about these bugs, Gerik! They are all adorable, colorful and wiggly-looking!
- Grandma Susan on June 17, 2021
Very interesting, Gerik - but I think I'm getting a little dizzy. .. ... .... .....
- Grandma Susan on June 17, 2021
This is truly a beautiful winter wonderland scene! I love your color and design choices - very cooool looking, Gerik! Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
Gerik, I really like your interesting designs on these wooly mittens! And the snowflakes are all a little different - just like real snowflakes! Adorable! Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
What a wild combination of vibrant blues and interesting designs! This must have taken a very long time to fill in all the pencil designs. Great work, Gerik. Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
I really enjoy looking at all the many shapes and colors in this drawing! Very nice work, Gerik! Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
Your beautiful hands and colorful flowers make such a lovely composition! Great work, Gerik! Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
Oh, oh, Gerik ... This beautiful pot also reminds me of all the teeth you've lost lately!! Seriously, though, I just love the interesting designs and how you used them! Bravo! Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
I can almost feel the warmth radiating from your adorable heart! And your arm and hand have very interesting designs, too. Nice work, Gerik! Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
What a lovely combination of warm and cool colors! Gerik, you are my Rock Star! Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
Wow, Gerik! This looks spectacularly shimmery! Beautiful combinations of blues and circle sizes - Looks like a stained glass window! Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
How fun! Your adorable frog seems to have missed out on his little flying meal. I love his happy face, Gerik! Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
Such a lovely and colorful butterfly, Gerik! Nice use of patterns, and primary and secondary colors. And I bet his wings are your favorite - it looks like tiny shark teeth along the outer edges! Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
Oooooh, this little guy looks so comfy under his special quilt! Nice choice of colors and patterns, Gerik! Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
These are the cutest bugs ever - and I usually don't like bugs at all! They look like they are really having fun. Much different than the bug fights your uncles used to watch on TV! (Ask your mom to explain...) Grandma Susan
- Susan(fan) on May 19, 2021
Awesome butterfly Gerik!
- Daddy on May 12, 2021
I love this one - beautifully done, Gerik!
- Sarah (Mother) on February 4, 2021
This is beautiful Gerik. Sometime I would like to have you tell me how you made it. I would like to walk right into that picture.
- Grandma B on December 12, 2020
I love your polar bear. I'd like to see him peeking in my window. He looks very curious. The snowflakes in the background are very pretty.
- Grandma B on December 12, 2020
Looks great Gerik! Those are some nice leaves
- Kristofor(fan) on October 14, 2020
I really like the colors you picked for your flower.
- Becky on September 30, 2020
Was this the one you called the Patternpillar. I wish I had that many legs. Maybe I could run faster.
- Becky on April 29, 2020
These little bugs make me feel happy. They are so pretty an look like they have lots of energy.
- Becky on April 29, 2020
I like seeing this butterfly from the side. This one has lots of designs. I like that.
- Becky on April 29, 2020
Gerik, I loooove your beautiful butterfly. It looks like a very happy one.
- Becky on April 29, 2020
Gerik, I love your butterfly the colors are so pretty! Nice job! Miss Deck
- Miss Deck on April 1, 2020
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