Henry12054's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Henry12054's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Henry, WOW you and your class did a great job on this very colorful cross! I found your collage on the right corner of the cross, great job! Can’t wait to see what you do next. Grandpa Tim
- Tim on April 8, 2020
Henry, What a colorful collage! I really like the bright blue with the yellow. Keep up the great work I’m proud of you. Grandpa Tim
- Tim on April 8, 2020
HOOT, HOOT, HOOT Henry! Your owls look snowy white. These look like the Big owl grandpa had in his trees. Great job, keep up the good work! Can,’t wait to see your next project Henry. Grandpa Tim
- Tim on January 29, 2020
Tweet tweet tweet, Henry What a great looking cardinal, I really like his eye! It looks like he is in a snow storm. Great job!! Grandpa Tim
- Tim on December 21, 2019
Tweet tweet tweet! Henry, what a great looking cardinal I really like his eye! It looks like he is in a snowstorm. Great great job Henry !! Grandpa Ti
- Tim on December 21, 2019
Henry, I really like all the colors you used, and made by mixing colors. Great job!!! Can’t wait to see your next piece. Grandpa Tim
- Tim on December 21, 2019
Henry this looks like a pumpkin dinosaur!??Grandma
- Beth on November 6, 2019
What a great design! Love the squares. Grandma
- Beth on November 6, 2019
GREAT Job Henry!!! This is really neat, I like the colors and shapes. Keep up the good work! Grandpa Tim
- Tim on November 6, 2019
Henry, the leaves look like they are falling off the tree.????Grandma
- Beth on November 6, 2019
Henry, What a beautiful fall leaves picture! Great job I really like the colors you used for the background and the leaves. Can’t wait to see your next art work. Grandpa Tim
- Tim on November 6, 2019
Henry, your sea creature picture looks great! I really like the blue and green colors.??Grandma
- on October 2, 2019
(Wow wow wow Henry your picture looks like a stained glass window! I really like all the colors. GREAT JOB. Grandpa Tim
- on October 2, 2019