Bella, This has so much dimension to it - looks 3D! Good job!
- Nana Jacquie on February 27, 2025
I love this!!! I think it would be a nice coffee cup for the lake house. ?? Keep up the beautiful and colorful work you do. Love you, Nana Jacquie
- Nana Jacquie on October 30, 2024
I want to hear how you created this piece? It looks like it has pipe cleaners, but I can't tell how you made the background? You are so creative - keep up the good work!
- Nana Jacquie on October 30, 2024
Bella, I can't wait to see this latest project in person! It looks like it is woven, but it also looks 3D. Very Creative! I want to see how you made this. Keep up the good work! Love you!
- Nana Jacquie on June 5, 2024
This is SO fun! It looks like candy canes, pickles and pretzels or breadsticks! You will have to tell me about this one! Keep up the creative work!
- Nana Jacquie on February 28, 2024
Bella, I can’t wait for you to tell me about this one. I know you said it is your favorite! Love it too!
- Nana Jacquie on December 27, 2023
Bella, I can't wait to hear about this project! It looks like it is based on Tim Burton's work. He can make some scary movies! I looked at the gallery from your class and they are pretty spooky. Keep up the good work!
- Nana Jacquie on November 1, 2023
Bella. I like your picture and the bright colors.
- Nana Carol on November 1, 2023
Love it Bella! Reminds me of Salvatore Dali. Very creative abstract.
- Papa Mike on November 1, 2023
Awesome lineup of vases you painted, Bell! I love the "Happy" vase the best because it reminds me of you!
- Papa T on July 26, 2023
Bella, I love this color wheel project and seeing the word happy made me smile. Keep up the good work. Love you!
- Nana Jacquie on May 29, 2023
Bella, awesome design for your Squishmallo Store! Love it... you might need to go to the Squishmallow store soon because the last time I checked, you were getting a bit low on squishmallows for your bedroom :)
- Papa T on February 8, 2023
Very creative Bella. I’d like to shop in that store.
- Carol on February 8, 2023
Bella, This would make such a pretty Christmas card! I love the colors you used in the sky and on the trees. I love seeing all of your creations! Love, Nana Jacquie
- Nana Jacquie on December 22, 2022
Merry Christmas Bella! That’s what your picture makes me think of! Love it.
- Papa Mike on December 22, 2022
Bella, I like this , your use of colors day vs night.
- Nana Carol on November 17, 2022
Bella, This is one of my favorite pictures you have made - I love it!!!! You are so creative! Love you, Nana Jacquie
- Nana Jacquie on November 17, 2022
Bella, I love the shadowing on this picture! Also the “floor” the eyeball is on. The color of the eye is really cool too! Keep up the good work! Love you!
- Nana Jacquie on November 9, 2022
Hi Bella, I'm so glad I got to see this artwork in person! I love that it opens up and becomes bigger. You are so creative!
- Nana Jacquie on October 21, 2022
Bella, I LOVE this day of the dead puppy artwork you did. I especially like the tongue sticking out like Riley always does. Great work - keep it up!
- Nana Jacquie on October 21, 2022
Great work, Bella! Love the elephant you drew and decorated... do you know if is it an African or Indian elephant? Love, Papa T
- Papa Terry on May 18, 2022
Wow, Bella that is a great drawing you did! Love how you created the 3-D perspective in it! Keep up the great work and never lose your passion for drawing and coloring! Papa T
- Terry on March 16, 2022
Bella, I like your "mom"picture, she's speedy fun.
- Nana Carol on March 16, 2022
Awesome drawing, Bella particularly considering you did it on graph paper... clever! Keep up the great work, Bel!
- Papa Terry on February 17, 2022
Bella, great sidewalk art you did, very colorful. You will have to come decorate our driveway.
- Nana Carol on March 31, 2021
Bella, I love your cardinals! We have some just like this visiting our bird feeder every day. You have become such a great artist... everything you have in your portfolio is so colorful and inspiring! Keep up the great work, Bella!
- Papa Terry on March 24, 2021
Bella, This picture makes me happy! It is so positive and colorful. Keep up the beautiful work. Love you, Nana Jacquie
- Nana Jacquie on February 24, 2021
Hi Bella, I love this new piece you did - perfect for Valentine's Day! So colorful! Keep up the beautiful work - you are so talented! Love, Nana Jacquie
- Nana Jacquie on February 24, 2021
I ?? your new artwork Bella! It looks like it took a long time to make. It’s a masterpiece! Did you know there is an artist named Jim Dine that became very famous painting hearts? Look him up on your computer. Love & miss you, Papa Mike
- Papa Mike on February 24, 2021
Bella, I remember seeing a video of you creating this chalk art with tape. Really cool! Nana Jacquie
- Nana Jacquie on July 1, 2020
Bella, That looks like a fun project! Nana Jacquie
- Nana Jacquie on July 1, 2020
Bella, what a creative way to get your colors. Very cute.
- Nana Carol on May 23, 2020
Bella, I like your artwork, and the little bunnies on the bottom. I bet you had fun doing this project. Love you
- Nana Carol on May 13, 2020
Bella. I like your splatter. Very colorful.
- Nana Carol on May 13, 2020
Hey Beebs, this looks like it must really have been fun to make. You did an amazing job in keeping all the colored splatters very uniform in size. Great job as always, Bell!
- Papa Terry on May 13, 2020
Oh my goodness Bella, that is adorable!! Maybe you can make a picture and send it to Papa Mike and I in Florida? Love and miss you!! Nana Jacquie
- Nana Jacquie on April 15, 2020
Bella, I like your use of colors, your picture reminds me of spring. Love Nana
- Carol on March 22, 2020
Hi Isabella, I'm so glad I was able to be at Art Class the day you completed this beautiful Picasso Sunflower picture. I love all of the colors and textures you used! love, Nana Jacquie
- Jacquie on February 26, 2020
I LOVE this self portrait you did! It makes me smile, you look so sweet. I think the dog on your dress is cute too. Love Nana Jacquie
- Nana Jacquie on February 26, 2020
I love all the arms, noses and eyes in this picture! Keep up the good work! Nana Jacquie
- Jacqueline on February 26, 2020
Bella (a.k.a. Larry), nice job and I love both your color combinations as well as your creative designs!
- Papa Terry on February 26, 2020
Bella, That is SO cute and colorful. Can’t wait to hear how you created it! Love, Nana Jacquie
- Nana Jacquie on December 11, 2019
Bella, you are such a creative young artist! Love your high-energy colors in all of your artwork. You are doing a great job in kindergarten and I hope your love for art and drawing grows and grows! Love, Papa T
- Terry on December 11, 2019
Bella, that picture is so cheery and beautiful, just like you! Love it! Nana Jacquie