- Vatsala on December 3, 2019
Emma. Another awesome drawing. Keep up the outstanding work. Love Eme & Gramps
- Eme on December 3, 2019
You draw such pretty butterflies. They make me smile Love Eme and Gramps
- Eme on December 3, 2019
What a beautiful butterfly! They make me smile. Keep up the great job?? love Eme and Gramps
- Eme on December 3, 2019
These apples are too good to eat! I'm tryng to see if a feast for my eyes is the answer! Who says you can't eat your apple and still have it?
- Geetha on October 23, 2019
These apples are the tastiest looking and realistic fruit I have seen. Reminds me of Paul Cezanne or Monet's works!! Keep up this talent, Emma!! Grandma
- Vatsala on October 23, 2019
Great job. They would make an awesome pie. So yummy Love Eme & Gramps
- Eme on October 18, 2019
Your apples look so realistic!!!! I want to just take a bite out of all of them because they look so tasty!!! Another awesome job from the best artist we know!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!
- Sudha (Mother) on October 10, 2019
Great Job!!!! They look awesome!!!!!
- Daddy on October 10, 2019
What a beautiful piece of art!! So life like!! You do magic with a paint brush. Keep up the excellent work!! Grandma
- Vatsala on October 8, 2019
??Awesome job Emma Love Eme and Gramps
- Eme on October 8, 2019
I have never seen such an awesome crab!!!!! This is an amazing piece of art!!!!!!! Keep up the awesome, amazing work, sweet girl!!!!!!
- Sudha on October 2, 2019
I can't wait to see your next masterpiece!!!! Keep up the awesome work!!!!!!
- Sudha (Mother) on September 20, 2019
If I could "Like" this, I would!!!!! But I actually LOVE this beautiful masterpiece!!!!!
- Sudha (Mother) on September 19, 2019
This is amazing- I am so impressed with your skills as an artist!!! Keep up the awesome work, Emma!!!!!!
- Sudha (Mother) on September 19, 2019
So Piet Mondrian!!!!
- on September 19, 2019
So vibrant!
- on September 17, 2019
Love the color choices!!
- on September 17, 2019
I can almost smell the flowers!!!!!
- on September 17, 2019
Great work! Daddy is very proud!
- on September 17, 2019
Emma, This is the most beautiful piece of art we have ever seen!!!! Keep up the awesome work!!! Love, Mommy and Daddy