Nicholas33630's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Nicholas33630's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very cool action shot here! That dragons day is about to become really bad.
- Anthony (Father) on May 19, 2021
This is dads favorite so far. Great use of colors!!
- Anthony (Father) on February 25, 2021
Mom loves this one! Your pictures are only getting better and better. So proud of you expressing yourself through drawings.
- Anthony (Father) on February 25, 2021
Love the variety of lines in here, very cool!
- Anthony on May 28, 2020
Excellent work kiddo! I want to surf those waves!
- Anthony (Father) on February 5, 2020
Great job Nick!
- Dad on November 6, 2019
Wow what an amazing piece of art. You can tell your really spent time on this and didnt rush. Look what you can accomplish when you just slow down. Love you
- Anthony (Father) on October 4, 2019