What gorgeous fall colors, Kane! Could this art work go on Grandma's wall? xoxo
- Grandma S on December 2, 2020
WOW! Look at all those gorgeous shapes & colors. Nicely done, Master Kane ?
- Grandma S on October 7, 2020
Look at your beautiful flower, Kane! I think butterflies will love it to. Good job.
- Grandma S on March 18, 2020
Hi, Kane. I love your Catching Snowflakes artwork. When your teeth come back in, perhaps you can catch snowflakes too??. It's snowing now and I needed you to help me build a snowman ...and we could catch snowflakes together. Nice job, my Kane.
- Grandma S on January 29, 2020
Kane, I really like the different shapes you made. Lots of snow tooo. Remember to show me the next time I come over?
- Grandma Kathy on November 29, 2019
I say this is a pumpkin with ghosts flying around ...am I right, Master Kane? xoxo
- Grandma S on October 23, 2019
My goodness, Kane. Your colorful artwork is beautiful. Please show it to Grandma, that makes mistakes, when I come over next???
- Grandma S on October 16, 2019
Wonderful colors, Kane. Now you need to tell the Grandma that makes mistakes what it is. Could it be a flag? a maze? Remember to explain it to me tomorrow. Love your school artwork. Thanks for sharing. xoxo
- on October 16, 2019
Kane: Your artwork is so colorful. I will be your greatest fan??? Can we hang it on the wall in Papa & grandma's study? I will be watching for your next published artwork. Love from the Grandma that makes mistakes??