Hunter25183's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Hunter25183's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- Leannette (Mother) on November 17, 2021
I absolutely love this. This would be cool on a shirt!
- Leannette (Mother) on November 17, 2021
Artwork was very unique and highly imaginative. Each picture sends a clear and distinct message to the viewer. Mr. Hunter's art skills are very good and only going to improve over time. Nice work and great job!!!
- Marvin on December 2, 2020
This image really makes you look into the picture closely! I couldn't stop staring at it! I really like this one. What an Artist!!
- Leannette on February 19, 2020
I really like this one! It would so nice on my kitchen table!
- Leannette on February 19, 2020
This an amazing piece of Artwork! You are very Creative! I love it!
- Leannette on February 19, 2020