Nicholas33603's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Nicholas33603's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Neither rain nor snow nor dark of night, keeps Nick from taking Oliver on a walk. Too funny. Love Papa
- Ken on January 30, 2025
My first thoughts are this is a space odyssey. As always, nice use of colors and the background paper fits in perfectly. Ending the year on another "WIN".
- Ken on December 12, 2024
Somebodies showing off his artistic talent. It appears to be a close up of an angry bird, but look at how well the eyes are drawn. Intense to the point of spooky. A step up in performance. Congratulations, well done. Papa
- Ken on November 20, 2024
Nice. For lack of the correct words, I like the way the "Balls of Ribbon", flow from one to the other, against perfectly formed background of colorful triangles. Nice use of space, colors and very ingenious. Congratulations.
- Ken on October 30, 2024
First let me admit that I am not a big fan of “cut and paste” art. No matter what you do, someone always looks like they have glue in their hair. Saying that, I like ( though it is scary), the masked visitor. The black background makes it all the more spooky. Congratulations on an end of the year scare fest! Lovepapa
- Ken on June 14, 2024
This piece of art, seems to use multiple layer to provide contrast to the painting. The bottom with its rainbow look, contrast beautifully with the top, with its tentacles reaching up. Then the piece separating top from bottom and side from side in a completely different style. Very Modern and very interesting. I like it. LovePapa
- Papa on June 14, 2024
Ok, a pot of cactus, but my one piece of advise would be to limit the picture to just one or two. Color and composition is correct, but the picture seems too busy. A+ for effort. Lovepapa.
- Ken on May 7, 2024
Well, this is not a portrait of Papa or your Father, too much hair. Can't be a self portrait, no jell. But regardless of all that, it's a nice portrait of someone, and I like it. Straight forward and simple but good use of space and color choice. Lovepapa
- Ken on March 20, 2024
Not sure if this art is drawn, or you just rubbed charcoal or some black crayon over some items with a piece of paper on top of them. An intriguing piece of art that I would like you explain to me better. Don't misunderstand me, I like it a lot but am more curious as to how you did it. Picture shows LOTS of texture and makes me all the curious. Good job. Lovepapa
- Ken on January 4, 2024
This piece of art reminds me of a farm in Holland. I love the old fashioned windmills, that actually were used to crush grain into flour. and storage. Bold choice of colors, but I'm not sure if a storm is coming or going. In my opinion, a solid piece of work. Lovepapa.
- Ken on January 4, 2024
Ok, now you've got me thinking of Christmas, and I like it. Great job. Lovepapa
- Ken on October 4, 2023
I think this is one of your best works ever. It's original, jazzy, and festive looking. GREAT work. Papa
- Ken on October 4, 2023
Not sure what medium your art was painted on, but it makes your art even more interesting. I like the bumpy texture, it makes the seascape more realistic, as if there were waves in the water. Unique. Lovepapa
- Ken on May 3, 2023
A tree house, what a great idea for a picture. Swiss Family Nicky. A nice simple treatment but very well done. Lovepapa.
- Ken on May 3, 2023
Nice composition and just the right colors to draw your attention to these nested polished stones, or eggs, or whatever. Very simple but one of my favorite of your series of artworks. Like this one a lot. Lovepapa
- Ken on May 3, 2023
Love your use of colors, something consistent in your work. I'm sure this is a bad guess, but as I look at this painting I see a row of snails drinking water. My apologies if this is wrong, but it's a "FUN" picture none the less. Lovepapa.
- Ken on March 9, 2023
This looks like one of those old Egyptian Gods. A little strange but if it's solid Gold, I say we sell it to the highest bidder. LovePapa
- Ken on February 16, 2023
Super cool upward view. Nicely done from a unique angle. Keep up the good work. Lovepapa
- Ken on January 26, 2023
Love this one. Going to have to tighten the strings on this guitar but very nice rendering. Lovepapa
- Ken on January 26, 2023
Not a big fan of Bugs, but looks like one and good use of colors. Lovepapa.
- ken on November 3, 2022
What an interesting piece of art. I like this piece very much, it's fills each of the angular pieces very well. Nice blend of colors. Lovepapa
- Ken on November 3, 2022
Nice, but next time make him smile. Giraffes are known for their smiles. lovepapa
- Ken on June 8, 2022
Papa & Grandma have visited Italy and seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Your art is a wonderful reminder of the beauty that exists in the world around us. Thank you. Papa.
- Ken on June 8, 2022
How beautiful, Nick! Makes me think spring is right around the corner! Love, Grandma
- Marilyn on March 2, 2022
Absolutely my new favorite. Continue your art skills. lovepapa
- Ken on March 2, 2022
What a beautiful picture! Great job, Nick
- Marilyn on February 22, 2022
This is by far your best effort. Love everything about this picture. Good colors, well defined structure, and just enjoyable. lovepapa
- Ken on February 22, 2022
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Nicely done. Papa
- Ken on December 30, 2021
It's Fall, the trees are loosing their leaves and you captured with ART. GOOD JOB. lovepapa
- Ken on November 24, 2021
Bold use of colors, drawing all my attention towards your name. Very well done, keep up the good work. lovepapa
- Ken(fan) on October 22, 2021
Nick your art work is beautiful! I love the all bright colors you chose. I’ll bet you had fun designing it.
- Grandma on October 13, 2021